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It's great to have the Tbft onboard with fishraider again this year. A truly professional run tournament for trailer boats, with awesome prizes. So many fishing options and it was great to see so many raiders up here last year and I hope to see many more this year!

If you are heading up and need some info feel free to ask and I'll provide any raiders as much info as I can.

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Time is fast approaching for the 23rd Anniversary Club Marine Trailer Boat Fishing Tournament so if you haven’t got your entry in yet, now is the time to do it. You can enter online at www.tbft.com.au using the “Enter Online” quick link. We have some wonderful prizes for both species and lucky draw prizes this year.


  • Have all your boat, trailer, insurance, and crew details together prior to entering. Please note that 3rd Party Insurance at a minimum is compulsory – this is a condition of our event insurance. You can call me on 02 9029 6554 or use the link to our major sponsor, Club Marine Insurance at www.tbft.com.au if you require help.
  • Use the Enter Online link on the www.tbft.com.au homepage. You will be asked to pay for your entry and clothing prior to inputting boat and crew details. Do not use previous years records or details. They are there for your records only.
  • Do not logon prior to being asked to. This will happen after selecting the number of entrants on your boat and choosing your hats & polo shirt sizes.
  • Whenever logging on, your email and password details must be exactly the same as the last ones registered. They are case sensitive. If you cannot remember your password then have a new one to be sent to you by clicking on the link.
  • If the site does not recognise your email address continue as a new entrant and register your new / correct email address and new password.
  • If the site does not recognise your password, apply for a new one and it will be emailed straight away to you. You can reset your password to your favourite one after entering.
  • If, for some reason you do not complete your entry at first, you can log on later and input your boat / crew details via the “View Invoices” button. When your order is not complete there will be a message in this section asking you to finalise your entry associated with that Order number.
  • Please include your best onboard and emergency contact numbers for you and your crew. Safety is our first priority.
  • After you have completed your entry, you can then log on again and change boat or crew details or add extra crew.
  • Print & bring your invoice/s to the Registration Tent when registering. You should also print off a copy of the 2016 Rules & Calender and give them to each of your crew.
  • On-Line entries close at 1700 on Monday 14th March.
  • Do not enter the same email address for skipper & crew multiple times. If you do, you may receive multiple emails from us. We try to eliminate duplicates but some slip through.
  • If you have problems with entering, bring your receipt with you and we can sort it out at Tournament Base. We want you to have a great weekend and not miss out on anything.


We welcome our new sponsors Mako sunglasses, Tackle World Port Stephens, Momoi lines; and also welcome back our ongoing partners 3M, Alistain, Alvey, Atomic, Bay Boat Sales, BIA of NSW, Black Pete Marine, Blue Bottle Fishing, BlueWater Power Yachts, BOAB Boat Hire, BRP / Evinrude, Club Marine, Cote d’Azur, d’Albora Marinas, Gamakatsu, Navico / Simrad, Newcastlefishing.com, Port Stephens Beachside Holiday Parks, Port Stephens Fishing Charters, Shimano, and Winning Holidays. Please give these companies all the support in return that you can. There are links and contact details at www.tbft.com.au.

The major lucky draw prize this year will be an Evinrude powered Savage boat/motor/trailer package complete with 12 months Club Marine insurance and a Simrad or Lowrance sounder.


Quality accommodation to suit a range of budgets is available from:

** Ask for tournament packages and don’t forget to ask about trailer parking.


D’Albora Marinas are offering special Club Marine Trailer Boat Fishing Tournament packages and also fuel discounts off the bowser price for fuel (0830 to 1630 daily only and your Tournament ID card needs to be presented – valid 16th to 21st March). – 02 4984 1333


• The experienced team from Shoal Bay Fishing Club will again be the host club for the weekend and running the event.

• We welcome Hakan and his team from the Dolphin Watch Cafe as our new caterers for the Saturday BBQ.

• Hakan and team at the Dolphin Watch Cafe will be looking after the food and drinks for the rest of the tournament. He’ll have extra staff available from Thursday afternoon and over the weekend plus offer extended opening hours for competitors. – 02 4984 1262

• In the event of foul weather (highly unlikely!!) The Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC - 7 AUSTRAL ST) will be used for Registration, Saturdays BBQ & Lucky Draws, and Sundays Presentation. It’s not far from Tournament Base.

• Marine Rescue Port Stephens will be offering logon facilities to all competitors. To speed things up, they will have your TBFT Boat Number and all details required. Full details will be emailed to you prior to the Tournament. Please remember to log on and log off. – 02 4981 3585


  • The Tournament address is Eastern Groyne, Victoria Parade, Nelson Bay. It’s adjacent the ferry terminal / weigh station / Dolphin Watch Cafe.
  • This is a public facility so please help us keep it clean over the weekend. We have ordered a number of extra garbage bins for the weekend.
  • We’re also responsible for keeping the toilets clean so please help there as well. If they require cleaning, please let one of the Tournament Officials know
  • Please do not bring any glass into the area. You will be asked to take it away if you do. There are many people including a lot of children with bare feet or thongs. Cans or plastic bottles are fine.
  • The Official Tent, Weigh Station, and all Events will be in this area (except in foul weather when the PCYC facility will be used).
  • Parking Tip: There is plenty of free parking available in Magnus St and Fingal St, a short walk across the road from Tournament Base.


  • We’re not fishing for sheep stations and any species prizes not won will be used for Lucky Draws. Therefore, if it’s marginal or rough conditions fish inshore or don’t go out. The safety of your boat and crew is your responsibility. It could ruin your whole day if someone gets hurt.
  • Note: To be eligible for points, an Angler must hook, strike, fight, and bring the fish to the boat to be tagged, netted, or gaffed without assistance including anyone else touching the rod or reel. Please note that this Rule also applies to Junior Anglers and we will be bringing it to their attention when presenting fish for weighing. If you do not understand the meaning and intent of this rule please ask one of the Tournament Officials.
  • We’ve kept the rules deliberately simple so the Tournament appeals to anglers of all ages and skill levels. Tournament officials have the right to disqualify any catch they deem to be against the intent and spirit of the rules.

Please pass this message onto all your fishing friends. The more the merrier.

We look forward to seeing you at the Bay in a couple of weeks. There promises to be many good times and more than enough prizes to go around.



Tony Poole

Trailer Boat Fishing Tournaments

19 The Crescent, Dee Why, NSW, 2099

Ph: 02 9029 6554

Fax: 02 9972 3211

Email: info@tbft.com.au

Website: www.tbft.com.au

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