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What better way to spend Sunday


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Evening Raiders

Decided to head out on Sydney Harbour today and had the privilege of teaming up with fellow raider Krispy (aka Kareem). We met at Tunks Park at 7.30 and quickly launched the boat and got on our way. What an amazing morning on the harbour...sun was shining, no lawns to mow, no dog poop to scoop, no pools to clean, no wind in sight and amazing glassed out water. Hello Sunday!!!!!

After exploring the bait grounds around Balmoral there wasn't much to report so we headed straight to Wedding Cake for a few drops. Big thanks to Krispy for bringing his salad spinner chock full of live bait!!!! It didn't take long to hook up some nice bream which put up a very worthwhile fight and were noticeably fat. After noticing Krispy landing a nice legal bream I immediately thought he had the lucky side of the boat. Rather than pull up anchor and turn the boat around I persevered and managed to hook up a nice bream that went straight to the ice slurry. Man cooler 2, bream 0.

Several drops later Krispy hooks into a nice rat king that puts up a great fight before resembling a Kyrgios forehand and finding the bottom of the net. A quick measure reveals just under legal so back he/she goes to fight another day. As we approach high tide (and sitting on the unlucky side of the boat), I suddenly feel weight on my line so I load up and set the hook. Bang..it's a king...we're on!!!! With my 2-4kg rod and 8kg braid I feel a sense of apprehension mixed with a touch of WTF as my rod buckles over. After peeling off line, I managed to get back in control and slowly make up ground. The cagey king swims towards me and cons me into thinking it's a solid bream. Great...this should be in the net shortly! 1800-THINKAGAIN. The script changes when it catches sight of the boat and drops down a couple of cogs before heading off under the boat. I managed to navigate around the outboard and stay in the hunt, but things suddenly take a turn for the worse when Mr King sees the safe haven of timber structure in the distance. I become a mere passenger as he sails off into the sunset with several metres of my braid + tackle + ego. Pistol 0, Kings 1

Meanwhile, Krispy continues to graft away and keep the good guys ahead by hooking up a couple of rats which find their way to the measuring table. Again barely legal is the call so back they go. A hour goes by before Kripsy hooks up yet again but this time it's business. This has weight!!! The line peels off but Krispy keeps control and eventually wins the battle and bags a legal king!!!! You beauty...straight to the esky. Krispy 1 Kings 0

All in all an awesome day with plenty of action. A few keepers for the table and a lot released to fight another day. Thanks again to Krispy for a great day and supplying the killer bait!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and thanks for reading!



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Awesome read thanks Pete + Kareem!

What livies were you guys using? I was out in Middle Harbour on Friday and watched a few decent kings cruise passed fresh squid strips with next to no interest... It was devastating!

Edited by Marky Wants to Fish
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