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PB Monster Flatty


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G'day Raiders,

I've been swamped with a combination of work, uni and business so I haven't managed to get out for a while. I've been cravinggggggggggg a fish for a long time, so I took the Easter long weekend as an opportunity to get out. Met up with fellow Raider and all round champion Krause at port kembla harbour for a first light launch. Being Easter Friday, the boat ramp was packed with eager boaties. We took our time, got down to the ramp, almost got run over a few times but launched just on first light. It's quite embarrassing, but I've never used a bait jig before so Krause showed me the way as he picked up livies, trevs and snappers in quick succession. I managed to hook up a few but they all dropped before getting into the yak so big fat ZERO on the livies there. Krause being the awesome yak partner that he is threw me a couple of his and thus began the session. The water wasn't the most comfortable and the wind + rain definitely didn't help but hey, to be on the water is to live right?!? we drifted and trolled our livies for another big fat ZERO for the both of us. We both got a couple of touches from something but no hook up. Meanwhile a couple of boaties were teasing us about a shark in the bay.. psht sharks don't exist till I see one for myself......... (knock on wood). Couple of hours in and still nothing... eventually the water calmed down and glassed out. Tailor were busting up and chasing little baitfish of <5cm. So I tossed out a metal and bagged a few tailor up to 20cm, I just craved any sort of action. Meanwhile a dead yakka was on the other side of a baitrunner outfit waiting for that screaming reel. Eventually we found a drop off and I changed to a hard vibe to try for anything in the area. A few casts in and I hear - tick, tick, tick .. .tickk .. ticckk tick tick, it get a tad faster, I grab the rod and wait a couple of seconds before setting the hook. FINALLY FISH ON. I felt like I was pulling a log, no head shakes.. nothing.. I thought great snagged on debris but as I pulled line in, I felt the subtle headshake. I knew I was onto a flatty and seemed like a good one too! I dropped a big flatty yakside in the hacking a few weeks back because my landing net was too small (the head of the flatty wouldn't fit in the net). So with an upgraded environet, I was ready to scoop this one up. Took a few minutes to get it yakside and I lost it. I was ecstatic, it was another big flatty. This time I wouldn't drop it. I gave it some drag and let it tire out a bit, trying my hardest to not let it break surface. I had 30lb leader on so my hopes were high, I quickly called krause over to help me net and attempt after attempt neither of us could get it into the net and finally I managed to get the net under the big girl. Into the yak she went, I could've cried with joy. I knew she was a big girl and I was in a dilemma whether to keep her or not as I needed to provide an Easter feed for the family back at home. So I had Krause flip a knife (sheathed ofc) and it stuck with keeping the big girl. I felt a bit bad keeping a big breeder, but just for everyone's info, this is the first flatty I've ever caught bigger than just legal. The future breeders will 100% go back after this one. With the big girl in the keeper net, I was keen to get onto another. But all I could pull up were pinkies, 2nd one into the yak was a just legal 31cm, so I decided to keep it as it was also my first legal snapper. It'll go down great for my meal prep as baked snapper. Finished the session around 3 with just the two and not much else. Keen to get back to PKH as I saw some more big fish getting pulled up on facebook today! Hope it'll be my turn next.

The flatty tasted beautiful for dinner and was enough for 4 meals for myself! Great fish, but I would definitely stick to eating <50cm ones. The flesh cooks up juicier and more tender on the ones between 40-50cm and the bigger one comes out a tad flakier. Still deliciousness none the less.

Here's a couple of pics! Sorry for the long report. Video is below of the big flatty :)





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Guest 4myson

Nice Flatty mate ... No need to justify as to why you decided to keep the fish for a feed (To each his Own)... Well Done on your PB !!!

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I kept my first big girl (73 cm) and agree with you allen_f. a) I prefer to let the big girls go now; and b ) they get a bit dry and tough at that size. 40-55 is the perfect size for me, any smaller (no meat on them) or larger and they now go back.

Just my preference, all to their own as long as it is legal!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Edited by Tastee
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  • 1 month later...

Nice Flatty mate ... No need to justify as to why you decided to keep the fish for a feed (To each his Own)... Well Done on your PB !!!

Excatly, well done nice looking fish, never fished out of a yak , and I can see why now.

Give me my boat with ample room any day.

Great vid too.

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Excatly, well done nice looking fish, never fished out of a yak , and I can see why now.

Give me my boat with ample room any day.

Great vid too.

I would love a boat!! Maybe upgrade after uni is over :P

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Hahahaha you muppet! I just found this (a month on...), good on you again, it was a nice fish. We have to get out again


Hahah, wait till uni break! Let's try for some big winter squid :D

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