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iPad Pro anyone using?


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The home buttons can die after a while

Mine is playing up sometimes too.

Maybe have a look here: https://snapguide.com/guides/get-virtual-buttons-on-an-iphone/

It will show you have to put a virtual home button on your air (any IOS device)

Also, consider going to one of the little kiosks in any westfields. They seem to be good

are replacing the buttons for you and the price isn't usually too steep.

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Hi Donna,

I have both ( we need to test our business apps on all platforms so we get to play with the latest technology)

I have to admit that I am a little confused regarding the specs.

While they both use the same processor the 12.9 is faster in both CPU and Graphics processing - obviously the larger one is tweaked or it could be that the smaller one trades a little speed for its more advanced imaging features.

However, in most other regards the 9.7 is equal or better. Specifically, it has a higher resolution camera for stills and video, better image stability and auto focus.

They are both in the hand of my Senior IT Engineer at the moment so if he offers up any tips or advice I will let you know.



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Hi Donna,

I've just been told that the 9.7 just has more features because it is a new release with the 12.9 already out for 6 months.

He tells me the 9.7 is a great improvement over previous I-Pads particularly with the add on keypad and third part Citrix x1 mouse for ipad.



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My IPad 2 home button went dicky @ about 1 year 11 Months old.

Went to apple store and they replaced straight up even though it wouldn't muck up on the day i went to the store.

If your are within the 2 year warranty period back up via iTunes and make a appointment at the genius bar!


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