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Finally - KINGS! (with some help)


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So, for christmas + Birthday, I got a charter on Sydney harbour. I woke up nice and early, at around 4:45 and left home at 5:30 for middle harbour to meet the guide. We left, past the spit, at about 6:10 and went looking for squid. Went to multiple squid spots around the harbour and by about 8:30 had a dozen or so. We went out the heads to a spot I have never heard of but was about 30 - 40 minutes out the heads. Plenty of good sounds of bait on the sounder however we got no kings. We tried down rigging, drifting etc and didn't even get a hit. There were 5 boats out there and every boat got a one or two 85cm+ kings. We decided to head back in, dropping in via the artificial. No luck there so we went too some of the bouys around the harbour. Thats where we had better luck. Down rigged squid heads around some of the normal bouys and after 5 mins off went the rod. Using 30lb mainline and leader, after a 5-10 minute fight I had an 81cm king on board. Before we even touched the king, we set out the rod again and then worked on unhooking and bleeding the fish. Before I could even text my dad the rod went off again. This time I pulled up a 72cm king. This was awesome fun and my spirits were lifted from the slow start. Set out the down rigger again and bang, 5 minutes later, we were on again. This king went 79cm. We got 3 kings from just 2 squid heads. Unfortunately we had to go in but I learnt quite a lot about down rigging and how to fish the harbour (times of year, currents, tides, tempreature etc). My guide was extremely knowledgeable, so I'm feeling very confident next time I go out my self.</p>

<p>Hopefully my results only get more consistent from now on. </p>



Edited by will_l
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Congrats on your new pb! Guides can be a good way to teach you a thing or two! Now to put those things you learn into practise. I'm sure you'll need some new gear now. Lol. Good luck on your next outing!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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I caught the biggest snapper I've caught in a very long time on the weekend in middle harbour.It measured 35cm, and I elected to release it.There is nothing wrong with taking home a feed mate. That's what bag limits are for. Good to see you've had a successful days fishing, and

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Thanks for the messages guys.

Even if we didn't get anything I would of learnt a lot!

Hope to post more reports from my own adventures in the next few months.

Edited by will_l
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