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Gday folks,

Never posted a fishing report, so here goes :-rolleyes

Thought id jump on a plane with my son and visit a dear friend of mine up in Townsville, never been there so thought why not!

Got my son interested by throwing out the old, lets go catch a barra :risata:

The adventure started at 4am, didn't sleep much with the thought of my first ever barra. Got up and Col was up ready for work, as soon as he saw me his first words were, have you got long pants and a long sleeve shirt (before I left Sydney, I asked my mate Nick what sort of clothes I needed for my stay, his reply was "summer clothes") no Col I don't, whys that? The bugs will eat you alive, hang on ill see if I can get you something that fits..Col till this day THANK YOU!

We jumped into Nick's ute and headed south for an hour, what a trip that was! My son and I are not the smallest of humans, all 3 of us in the front cab, both my sons legs over the top of mine, oh yea here we go...

We stopped half way to fuel up, it was still dark. You hungry boys? Yea why not, bacon and egg roll followed by a steak and mushie pie..Walk out of the diner and you wouldn't believe it, trod on a pile of what im hoping was horse s... but till this day im still not sure! Wasn't fun considering I had thongs on, lucky I listened to Col and put some socks on to keep the bugs away from my feet!

We continue heading south, turn off the highway and its red dirt road for the next 15-20 min, what a site, ive never been inland really, more of a Coast boy but this was an experience, it was amazing! just like the movies...

Get to the boat ramp and the sounds of the wildlife is something ill never forget, there was this distinctive sound in the distance which was quite scary, I asked Nick what that sound was and he reckons wild pigs, not sure about that but it wouldn't surprise me!

The sun was starting to break though, the bugs were out in full force, we get the crab pots set up, load them on his tinnie and head down the creek..

after setting the pots out, we head down the creek for a fish, seriously folks within 3 minutes bang a bream, it was just undersize but what a cracking start..

Stayed at this spot for about an hour, Nick reckons an hour is enough for the crab pots so we go pull them up and BINGO!! Pulled the 4 pots up and got 3 keepers, threw about 4 back in as they were just under..

This was a great start to our day, its not even 7.30am and we have a nice feed :D

In search of the elusive barra..

We head towards the opening of the creek where it meets the ocean, on the way I encountered some of the most picturesque my eyes had ever laid their eyes on, deadset I could move up here, unbelieveable scenes..

Just before we anchored up, we headed into an arm of the creek to get some livies, that was another experience..Im use to throwing a line for my yakkas, Nick throws in a net!

Tide was running hard, we had some banana prawns on for bait and a couple of livies..bang the livie didn't even last 2 minutes!! After a solid fight in shallow water, up comes a fingermark, that's it we have a decent feed for all of us now...Bang my prawn goes off, how goods this!! A mangrove jack just under 40cm, my son Louie is licking his lips, he loves eating :1clap:

Wow 2 decent fish in 5 minutes...BUT NO BARRA!

As quick as they came on they left :angry2:

Got a couple of grunter (they hit hard) then decided to move..

We tried a couple of spots at openings but no barra :1crybaby:

Beached the tinnie and got some live prawns, headed back in for some more crabs..

As we were waiting for the crab pots we chucked a line in for another crack at barra, no barra...

Fed a couple of massive eagles..

Pulled the pots up and bingo another 2 keepers!

Folks I gotta tell you, although I didn't catch my barra (the fight is not over yet) I spent one of the most amazing days of my life in gods country..

highly recommend a visit there!

Squeezed back into the ute and headed home for a nasty feed and a good bottle of red :1wine:

Ive posted a few photos of our amazing day out..






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Great report mate, loved Townsville when I visited in my army days but never got to fish was to busy playing sport and drinking, don't ever recall anyone up there drinking red wine maybe the locals have changed now,lol. Look forward to more of your reports great reading.

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Great report mate, loved Townsville when I visited in my army days but never got to fish was to busy playing sport and drinking, don't ever recall anyone up there drinking red wine maybe the locals have changed now,lol. Look forward to more of your reports great reading.

Cheers, went out on Saturday night..didn't catch much so no report :(

re the red wine, I mainly a beer drinker myself but love a drop of red when eating seafood :)

Edited by luvmifishin
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Nice read and a great bag of fish. My old man grew up in Townsville and has plenty of stories on barra fishing (and shooting) and jacks. Would love to get up there for a session some time.

Good luck with the barra.

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Nice read and a great bag of fish. My old man grew up in Townsville and has plenty of stories on barra fishing (and shooting) and jacks. Would love to get up there for a session some time.

Good luck with the barra.

Ah Mike, ill be up there again, wont let go now until I get one :)

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