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Port hacking 21/05/16


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Headed out again tonight for a fish with the family.

Fished the deep around lilli pilli,Yowie bay and a few holes around lighting point for only a few undersized fish mainly tailor and squire.

Water temps are dropping off now but again it was a beautiful clear night with hardly a breath of wind and an enjoyable night out with my wife and son.

Lillipilli wharf was packed with a few fishos which appeared to be targeting tailor but it did not happen tonight for us.

We fished prawns,pillys,chicken and salter tailor strips trying a few different spots berlying hard but could not produce the goods.

There's always next week as our plan is to head over to the Shoalhaven for something different and again looking forward to spending some time with my family regardless of our fishing luck.

Hope everyone has had a great Saturdays fishing and will report back soon.


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Fabian, Id normally say better luck next time but it sounds like you had a good night with your famioy so ill say well done on getting out with the family and enjoying the peace and quiet. Its amazing how the same spot can fish compleatly different after just a week. out of interest was there any significant differences to last week like tides, water temp, water colour etc?



cheers mate,water temp was down a bit more,we fished the rising tide down to the last few hours of the falling tide with very little wind again if any.

We must of given 6 or 7 different spots a go for not even a bite at some.

Like I said to you before, I go out to enjoy my little boat and have a few laughs with my family and catching a few fish is a bonus if we can manage it.

The highlight of the night was me winding in a 1 inch across starfish.The mrs and son didn't let me live that one down for the rest of the night.lol.


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hahahaha thats gold.

by the way that little boat of yours is awesome. the way you have set everything up and all youre custom mods have turned it into a nice weekend home away from home.



I wouldn't go as far as camping in it Nathan,but yes I'm happy with how its all turned out and suits me perfectly for what I do.You should of seen the drag peel of the reel when fighting that starfish mate.Lol.

Never mind, there is always next time.

Your absolutely right mate,It's great just getting out there with the family and any fish is a bonus to us as we always have a heap of fun.
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