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Everyone should be getting ready for hairtailing - preparation is the key!!

Swordie has even packed his bag of clothes (I will do mine the night before of course). I thought I would share the prep pics and feel free to add your own to this thread.

I will add pics from the event once it starts so this will be the post to watch over the 3 days

Pics below are Swordie's homemade "all round white light" for lurking around the Hawkesbury looking for hairtail, the fishraider vessel, rigged rods and note the jewie rod there as well! I think he is attempting to win first prize - hmmmm I may just have to brave the elements too

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My pedestal for my white light broke so I am just going to get one of those $2 solar garden lights which come on automatically as it gets dark.

Sit it up higher than my highest point of the boat and forget it.

If I decide to move and use nav lights I will place a cup over the white light OR place it under a blanket or something.


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The BIG white light is so he can see your face when he proceeds to do circles around your boat! I'm on to you stewy! :)

Hey that was a steering malfunction 3 times :074::whistling:

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It looks like it is going to be another big one. Who can forget Stewie going around and around the boats laughing like a maniac (so was I). Can't wait but the water down there is going to have to clear up in a hurry. I went down to bobbin head this evening and it is liquid mud after the rains. I won't be taking the boat out this weekend because I reckon that slush could get into the heat exchangers and suddenly there is a heating problem.

Bring it on I say.

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I have never fished for hairtail before but have noticed Stew's rods have ganged hooks, is that how you rig for hairtail or is it for something else, also are they glow sticks on the line?

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I have never fished for hairtail before but have noticed Stew's rods have ganged hooks, is that how you rig for hairtail or is it for something else, also are they glow sticks on the line?

That's how they are rigged and sometimes just a single hook

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Stunami you'll want a thin wire trace too. I suggest you google the technique. It's a very subtle bite on a fish with sharp Teeth.

First time for me too. So do your home work to make the most of the trip.

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

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Its easy Stu just go and get some single strand wire around 30lb from the big fishing and camping store and a few small swivels and a full box of 2 /0 stainless hooks in long shank.

Gang the hooks in 3 s or doubles and then just cut the wire to around 8 inches and feed the wire through the eye making sure the eyes are pressed up hard so the wire cant slip out after making your ganged hooks and twist upwards 10 times and the downwards towards the hook eye 10 times and add swivel to top and do exactly the same as the hook end and you have your trace.

Ganging hooks is done by using the tips of side cutters in the join between the eye and the shank and just pinch it open and add hooks through the open eyes and then close them with pliers till the eyes are tight to the shank.

You can add starlites /glow sticks if you like and I do with reds and greens my fav colour.

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The water at Bobbin Head is still foul. Went down there this afternoon. Very few boats went out as we all had the same concerns re dirt in the cooling systems.

Stewie, I think we have a 20 litre water urn at work that is unused these days. Do you want it for the house boat for hot water for everyone? Having said that I think last year you told me there was no gen set. Hmmm then how is it we had hot tea at breakfast? My head hurts from thinking too much.

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The water at Bobbin Head is still foul. Went down there this afternoon. Very few boats went out as we all had the same concerns re dirt in the cooling systems.

Stewie, I think we have a 20 litre water urn at work that is unused these days. Do you want it for the house boat for hot water for everyone? Having said that I think last year you told me there was no gen set. Hmmm then how is it we had hot tea at breakfast? My head hurts from thinking too much.

I ask the houseboat people to get one gen set for the social :074::074::074: We can make hot water no worries Harold on the gas BBQ and hopefully the water will clear Harold please keep updating my good man

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The water, whilst not clean, is looking a little better this afternoon at bobbin head.

Heard today they are catching Hairtail in Smiths creek. That surprises me because smiths creek seems to be mostly a dead patch for most fish. After years of fishing there we have only caught one good sized bream, a zillion medium sized whiting, a lot of blue swimmers and a whole lot of squid. Plus 10,000 undersized reddies.

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Alright, it's been a busy week but I'm ready to go!

I fully stripped the boat out, gurnied everything down, put in new deck lights, fixed all the little things that have been bothering me!

Today, I sorted all my gear, rigged rods, made a list of what to bring! Done!!!

Now I'm just making a list of what to spend the $500 first prize money on! :)

I'm so looking forward to a few days fishing with the boys! Let's hope the weather plays ball.

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Alright, it's been a busy week but I'm ready to go!

I fully stripped the boat out, gurnied everything down, put in new deck lights, fixed all the little things that have been bothering me!

Today, I sorted all my gear, rigged rods, made a list of what to bring! Done!!!

Now I'm just making a list of what to spend the $500 first prize money on! :)

I'm so looking forward to a few days fishing with the boys! Let's hope the weather plays ball.

Cheers scratchie!!!

Talk about confident!!!!

We look forward to seeing you there. I have just ordered 50 stubby coolers as give aways on the weekend.

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