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Past two days.

Guest hawkesbass

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Guest hawkesbass


Spent early saturday morning chasing weed and managed too scrounge enough for two days of fishing.

Saturday started down the lower harbour for a total of zero fish in one hour of fishing decided to move up river on the eastern side out of the wind again after one hour of no touches decided to move onto the western side of the river.

Arrived at my spot and the wind was a little strong for this spot but i persisted anyway.

About forty minutes in i got my first down but missed the hookup.

Soon after the float goes down and i come up tight on a double header hookup and after a few tense moments both fish on the deck with one being in the mid forties and the other one mid thirties.

Andrew messaged me so i told him my location he soon replied im on my way.

Before andrew arrived i got another mid thirties fish out.

Andrew got the next fish out another mid thirties fish.

I pulled the hooks on another fish and andrew did the same.

I got the next fish out being another mid forties fish.

Andrew got another fish out being in the high thirties.

By this stage it was getting late so called it quits with six fish in the bag.

Andrew kept three releasing the three biggest.


On sunday andrew was out of action so it was a solo session where we got the fish on saturday.

The day started slow with no touches untill an hour into the run up tide.

From nine in the morning on the fish started biting.

I missed the first few downs but came tight on my first for the day and duly landed a mid thirties fish.

Dropped the the next couple i hooked.

Got another solid down coming up tight on a mid forties fish who played up nicely before going in the net.

I got a few throwbacks next before the bite really heated up and before 12 pm i had my bag limit of ten in the net.

As i was just about too leave for the day andrew rocked up and i decided to stay and be his assistane throwing the burly in and being net boy.

It did not take long for andrew to get his first fish on the deck and in the net being mid thirties.

Andrew got a couple of throwbacks being just under legal.

As the tide started to slow andrew got a few fish out in a row all in the mid thirties.

By the time we called it quits andrew put eight in the net.

I kept ten for a feed releasing the rest.


Cheers trevor.


Edited by hawkesbass
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I thought I would surprise you, turning up late.

I was lucky you were still there.

My Hank Patterson calls ' Monkey Fist,' 'Ham Bone' didn't work.

You still fished the @&x: out of me.

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Very nice run of fish guys. Anytime your catching them in the 30's and 40's is a really good day. you guys certainly have them sorted. Great to see you catching them so regularly

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