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Hawkesbury Garfish


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Hi Raiders!
Aiming to catch some Garfish to use as bait this weekend, but I've never targeted them before. A couple questions:

1) With the float, whats the debate with a stem float set to lie flat, and stand as a bite indicator vs using splitshots to make the float stem hover above the water? Is it just preference, or is one way better?

2) berley and bait combinations. Bread for bait, bread with tuna oil for berley? Are there any better options?

3) location. Does it matter where you are? Do they favour structure?

Edit: 4) What size hooks, if I'm aiming to catch and use as bait?

Thanks in advance! Cheers,

Edited by Wellzy94
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The boys were catching them from the mothership over the weekend! They were just using bread as bait and swordies burley slick of chook pellets brought every fish in from miles around!

They were getting them on unweighted sabikis and a float with a small hook!

Burley and they will come! Bread, pellets, it doesn't matter!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Tuna oil mixed with mashed up bread brings them in. Make sure your bread is mashed up well, otherwise the gars may ignore your bait and just feed on the bread which is floating on the surface. I use a size 12 long shank hook with a small piece of chicken breast for bait.

Having a good pair of polarised glasses helps since sometimes the gars will just suck on the bait and not pull your float down. In instances like these, you need to strike.

In terms of floats, the more sensitivity and smaller the better. Sometimes they are not even necessary and unweighted does the trick.

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