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Hairtail yet again


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I thought, after the Hairtail fishing weekend our son would have had enough but that was not to be so.

So last Friday about 3pm we pushed off the dock and i decided to fill up with fuel and pump out the holding tank. Well, the dock hand overfilled the tank and diesel flowed every where including into the water way. As he was trying to hose it all off our boat with the firehose he dropped the nozzle and put a small dent in the gelcoat on the walkway which i will now have to get fixed. I just love this sort of stuff. Anyway, getting that all out of the way we motored over to Jerusalem Bay. I had explicit instructions that i had to anchor in the same spot as the weekend before!

I put the anchor down and got out the bait and rods and within 1 minute of them hitting the water we were on and then off. This repeated itself many times until one 110 cm example committed suicide and hooked itself properly. That was put into the freezer straight away by my wife. Then it went quiet. It was pouring rain so there was not another boat in the bay. This was in stark contrast to the previous weekend when there were Raiders everywhere. It was very quiet last weekend and whilst not wanting to malign any one i do note that when Stewie was there the week before it was noisy and when he was not there last weekend it was quiet. Could be a coincidence i guess?????

The next day we launched the dinghy and i took the dog for his daily kidney break over to the beach at little shark point bay. I watched this giant eagle looking at our miniature chihuahua like it wanted to take him to its young for breakfast so i quickly grabbed Tiny and we returned to the boat. During the day we drifted throughout the bay and successfully caught every reddie under 3 cms that was there. Some were smaller than the hook we were using, it is a testament to fishing tackle technology that they could even be hooked. I believe we could make application for an entry in the Guinness book of records with 2 of them.

We went back to the boat in the afternoon and after being nagged by my son to put out the Hairtail lines at 2.30 i finally agreed saying "there wont be any here at this time". 1 minute later we were on and we landed a 120 cm example that was once again put in the freezer. Then we had hook up after hook up; followed by bust up. Once memorable example was without doubt the biggest Hairtail i have ever seen, i kid you not when i say it was over 2 metres long and we got it up to the marlin board for a clear view, it got off as i lifted it up; my son is still abusing me days later for losing his fish. Over the next few hours we hooked a large number of Hairtail and landed zero. And yes i did use the special hooks i was given and yes we did let the fish run with the bait! About 7pm we caught a 20 cm flatty and as i threw it back i said "go and get you big brother". Lo and behold, 5 minutes later we landed a 45 cm flatty and into the freezer he went too!

About 8pm we caught a giant and i do mean giant Toad fish (i hate those) and my line got bitten clean in half twice during the evening, probably leather jackets i guess. Through the evening we hooked several large squid/occy's and they managed to get off at the transom.

On the Saturday night there were about 6 boats in Jerusalem it was interesting because 4 of them were fishing in an area that was just downstream from the entrance to Pinta bay; towards the eastern shore. Might be another 'hot spot'.

All in all it was a fun time and i am now hiding the boat keys for the next few weeks as i am all boated out.

We were back in the berth about 8am on Sunday and home by 10.

All fish were caught by Jeremy as apparently I was only employed as an assistant. If my rod went off it was automatically and immediately his rod. Rods only became mine when they required bait or were tangled.

Stay safe on the water at all times.

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Great report Harold!!! I know what you mean by being a dedicated decky! It happens to me all the time. Bloody kids! Unlucky on the big one. I would have loved to of seen a photo of that one!

Thanks for the report, I might go back down in a week or so!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Hey mate.. Possibly fishing tonight.. Any tips for catching them in Jerusalem bay? Is the deep part in the back of the bay the best bet?

Yes, go to the eastern side after the bit that juts out.

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