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Port Hacking


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Fished early this morning in the deep water near Lilli Pilli, hoping for a fish in the coloured water after the rain. Just a few little reddies about.

Around sunrise, one fished splashed out from the boat. A long cast with a metal lure and a hook up straight away. Retrieved it to near the boat, and the hook pulled. Felt like a legal sized tailor. Continued casting for a while and hooked a salmon. It put up a spirited fight, less than 45cm long and it too spat the hook. I am using Owner circle style hooks on the lures, which are recommended for better hook ups - in my opinion, I have lost more fish using them then other hook types on lures, so won't be using them any more. The only have a very small barb which may be the reason for the hook falling out so often.

Pumped some nippers and drifted around the ballast heap and along the sand flats for a while, the only thing biting were long toms. Very hard to hook but did manage one after it swallowed the nipper right down. 58cm long and it made a few fast runs on the surface. Kept it for the table. Drifted around for nothing else. Tried the Lilli Pilli flats for a while, and finally found a 50cm flattie and a 33cm trevally, but that was it, no other bites. Headed for home after several hours, but at least something for the table.

The photo would not download for some reason, so no photo.

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circle hooks aren't really designed for fast reaction hookups on metal lures..try short shank non offset singles or two singles opposing each other if you don't like trebles...rick

These hooks were advertised as replacements for small trebles. The lure is a small chunky size, and I think the weight of the metal allows the fish to dislodge the hook during a head shake, which happens with tailor and salmon.

I do use non offsets on other lures with better luck.

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Have a look at the hook set up I detailed in this report http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=81649

I keep a diary of salmon and tailor caught and lost. Since using this hook setup, I have landed just over 96% of salmon hooked and haven't dropped a tailor yet.

My 35g lure is probably bigger than what you're using but it gives you an idea.

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Have a look at the hook set up I detailed in this report http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=81649

I keep a diary of salmon and tailor caught and lost. Since using this hook setup, I have landed just over 96% of salmon hooked and haven't dropped a tailor yet.

My 35g lure is probably bigger than what you're using but it gives you an idea.

I was using a 15g type, which casts very well on 9 pound mono and a whippy rod.

I did see that hook set up on your post, so I will give it a go. Thank you.

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