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South of Jibbon Bombie


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Headed out early for a fish this morning, a bit south of the Bombie. A lot of small spikies, often 2 at a time. In amongst them were 2 just legal blue spots.

Moved around a few times, eventually finding some fish out the front of the small bay near The Cobblers. Very few spikies there. 7 more blue spots and one tiger flattie, and that was my bag limit of 10.

Most fish were less than 40 cm, the biggest was just over 50cm.

Quite a few boats buzzing around, but did not see anyone pull out any fish as they were too far from me.

Edited by yowie
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I was landbased down that way this morning and probably saw you. did you see the small pod of humpbacks cruise past, going north? Saw lots of birds working the washes just north of the cobblers. You got a feed, I got a feed, what more could we want.

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A couple of feeds for me, also some for mum. Happy with that. A feed at this time of year is a good thing.

Missed the humpbacks, though I thought I heard something cruising about. Saw some humpbacks a couple of weeks ago.

Saw a few terns diving, but did not notice any surface activity, apart from a flying fish scooting away as I motored close to it.

I was in my tinny, headed north for home after 11.30am. Quite a few fishos on different rock platforms, Snapper Rock seemed a bit busy.

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Nice work Yowie. Did you try any lures on the way back?

Just out from the rocks was a favourite run of mine.

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

No trolling, I had enough fish and it was heading towards midday, a bit late for me to be out. :074: I had to mow the lawn in the afternoon so wanted to head for home.

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Yowie, try straight out from the bay in 40 meters or so next time your out. Saw a bloke who pull some quality flathead out sunday morning (all 50cm plus).

The flatties are scattered about, but there are patches of them at present as they are into their breeding cycle. The females have fat roes.

I found a recipe for cooking fish roes, so I kept a several of the roes.

Boil some water in a saucepan, reduce to low heat and simmer the roes for about 4 minutes. Remove and dip the roes into a bowl with a beaten egg. Coat with breadcrumbs, then fry in shallow olive oil on each side until crisp. Eat with a dash of lemon juice.

Quite edible, though I would rather eat the flattie fillets. Imagine it would be a high protein food, and better than just tossing the roes to the seagulls, which eat them in preference to anything else from the fish carcase.

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When I was in Japan, I was treated to one of Kyoto's seasonal delicacies. It came out after a range of dishes, including sashimi, raw squid, etc etc etc. As it was being served in a warm 'lemon' I figured it was some kind of dessert type dish. Strange texture and not a terribly pleasant flavour, but rather than be rude, I ate it all. An English speaking waitress/server explained to me (after I had finished the dish) that it was the sperm sacs of cod. Well, that killed my appetite for anything else and I couldn't wait to get back to the room and rinse my mouth. Yeah, roe and sperm sacs are best eaten by ............. someone else.


Edited by stormy
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When I was in Japan, I was treated to one of Kyoto's seasonal delicacies. It came out after a range of dishes, including sashimi, raw squid, etc etc etc. As it was being served in a warm 'lemon' I figured it was some kind of dessert type dish. Strange texture and not a terribly pleasant flavour, but rather than be rude, I ate it all. An English speaking waitress/server explained to me (after I had finished the dish) that it was the sperm sacs of cod. Well, that killed my appetite for anything else and I couldn't wait to get back to the room and rinse my mouth. Yeah, roe and sperm sacs are best eaten by ............. someone else.


Better than eating sheep's balls, and being told they are something else (no, I have not eaten them)

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Guest Lord Loser

When I was in Japan, I was treated to one of Kyoto's seasonal delicacies. It came out after a range of dishes, including sashimi, raw squid, etc etc etc. As it was being served in a warm 'lemon' I figured it was some kind of dessert type dish. Strange texture and not a terribly pleasant flavour, but rather than be rude, I ate it all. An English speaking waitress/server explained to me (after I had finished the dish) that it was the sperm sacs of cod. Well, that killed my appetite for anything else and I couldn't wait to get back to the room and rinse my mouth. Yeah, roe and sperm sacs are best eaten by ............. someone else.


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The flatties are scattered about, but there are patches of them at present as they are into their breeding cycle. The females have fat roes.

Funny you should say this. We were out just over a week ago and we had I would guess, "Males" would follow hooked "Females" up. It happened a couple of times.

Down in that area, roughly 35+ mts.

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Funny you should say this. We were out just over a week ago and we had I would guess, "Males" would follow hooked "Females" up. It happened a couple of times.

Down in that area, roughly 35+ mts.

Have had that happen a few times before. A couple of years ago. my son was fishing with me when he pulled up a double header, a blue spot and a little spikey, and another blue spot swam up from the deep, just as I was about to drop down, so I dropped the baits in front of the nose of the free swimming blue spot, it grabbed one of the baits and I flung it on board before it realised what had happened to it. Easiest catch ever.

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When I was in Japan, I was treated to one of Kyoto's seasonal delicacies. An English speaking waitress/server explained to me (after I had finished the dish) that it was the sperm sacs of cod. Well, that killed my appetite for anything else and I couldn't wait to get back to the room and rinse my mouth. Yeah, roe and sperm sacs are best eaten by ............. someone else.

:mfr_lol::074::074: That's gold :puke:

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Have had that happen a few times before. A couple of years ago. my son was fishing with me when he pulled up a double header, a blue spot and a little spikey, and another blue spot swam up from the deep, just as I was about to drop down, so I dropped the baits in front of the nose of the free swimming blue spot, it grabbed one of the baits and I flung it on board before it realised what had happened to it. Easiest catch ever.

Exactly that, looking over the side thinking "how did we catch 3 Flattys on a 2 hook rig"

Though we weren't in a position to catch the swimmer.

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great report as usual! and i never seen you coming home with donuts eh haha. yowie were you using bait or lures for references



Fish baits. Lures would probably work in the deep water as well for the flatties, though have not tried it.

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When I was in Japan, I was treated to one of Kyoto's seasonal delicacies. It came out after a range of dishes, including sashimi, raw squid, etc etc etc. As it was being served in a warm 'lemon' I figured it was some kind of dessert type dish. Strange texture and not a terribly pleasant flavour, but rather than be rude, I ate it all. An English speaking waitress/server explained to me (after I had finished the dish) that it was the sperm sacs of cod. Well, that killed my appetite for anything else and I couldn't wait to get back to the room and rinse my mouth. Yeah, roe and sperm sacs are best eaten by ............. someone else.

The things you learn here continue to amaze . . . . :unsure:

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When I was in Japan, I was treated to one of Kyoto's seasonal delicacies. It came out after a range of dishes, including sashimi, raw squid, etc etc etc. As it was being served in a warm 'lemon' I figured it was some kind of dessert type dish. Strange texture and not a terribly pleasant flavour, but rather than be rude, I ate it all. An English speaking waitress/server explained to me (after I had finished the dish) that it was the sperm sacs of cod. Well, that killed my appetite for anything else and I couldn't wait to get back to the room and rinse my mouth. Yeah, roe and sperm sacs are best eaten by ............. someone else.

Once upon a time, Calamari was only used for bait and now it is top tucker. You never never know sperm sac and fish roe might just catch on :bleh:. In fact lots of sushi places serve salmon roe, so thats caught on already.

Regards Kit

Well Done Yowie

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Once upon a time, Calamari was only used for bait and now it is top tucker. You never never know sperm sac and fish roe might just catch on :bleh:. In fact lots of sushi places serve salmon roe, so thats caught on already.

Regards Kit

Well Done Yowie

I always dodge the sushi with eggs.

Damn I won't even eat a steak and kidney pie.

Organs are for dog food never mind fish breeding parts!


Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

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