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Slow jigging and SHARK fishing at 12 mile


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SickFish, Luke and I headed out to the peak where it was very quite, not even squid could be found, I managed a John dory and sergeant baker on slow jig then we moved further out to 12 mile.


Finding the fish was very hard with nothing really encouraging popping up on the sonar. We finally found some good signals and dropped down, managed to slow jig a small king that was just legal and chucked it back, and that was pretty much it. Later in the morning, we headed to a snapper point, but that place was quiet as well... I dropped an inchiku jig down and caught a pig, a first for me! Then the jackets appeared and shredded everything, at least I got one up as revenge, Luke also got a whopper chinaman leatherjacket and jigged a sergeant baker.


We went back to the kingfish spot and dropped down. Not long after I see a large silver silhouette slide past me, I shout out "Wow, what was that?!", then the thing circled back and we saw it clearly, it was a good sized mako! Luke suddenly got in the zone and started preparing the rig while the others fed the shark to keep him around. Hooked, a whole sergeant baker head goes in the water and is swallowed by the mako. After some jumping and diving, the mako is brought up the boat by Luke. This is the first time I have seen a mako and also the first time I have heard that they are good eating! It's a big animal, what a sight! Anyways, I took the opportunity for a quick photo with this beast.


On the way back in the shallower reefs, SickFish fished a decent morwong with pilchards while my Madai jig got shredded my more jackets. All in all, slow fishing out there lately, other boats were also struggling to find fish. I guess it's that awkward time of year again. Anyways, a huge thanks to SickFish and Luke for taking me out, had an awesome day!

Edited by mshuangchao
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