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Blackie donut


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I've had some free time lately and have set off on a few blackie missions in the last few days with only one picked up at Balmoral early Sunday morning.

Saturday when the wind was up I found a spot in Balmain that was sheltered from the gales and managed a couple of downs and two short-lived hookups to a couple of very nice fish. I think an old blunted hook was my problem there as I'd pulled out an old rig that I'd made up a while back to use that day.

I went back to this spot again on Sunday and then this morning for nothing. Some stonker mullet hanging around, but only one touch on my weed baits. I changed the depth, type of weed, cast around a bunch of spots, burleyed with bread mix - nothing! My thinking is that the blackies were only there the other day to get out of the wind. It is pretty still water and there didn't seem to be much weed growing anywhere although it looked to me like a typical luderick haunt with oyster leases and reefy dropoffs.

I decided to shift spots before the tide change and went over to Chiswick to a place that had been pretty reliable in the past. There was weed growing everywhere in thick long streams all over the rocks, much more than the last time I was there. It was an absolute cracker morning to be out with the sun shining and a gentle breeze blowing but for the couple of hours I was out there I didn't get a single down. Again I tried different depths, switched the type of weed, burleyed and cast around different spots but to no avail.

Can't complain too much to be outside on such a nice day, but I ended up packing it in at around one for another blackie donut.

In the last week I've been to Greenwich, Balmain, Chiswick, Balmoral and haven't had any real luck with the buggers.

Any tips for a frustrated novice blackfisherman? I've read the fantastic thread we have up here which got me started but sometimes feel like I'm missing something. I catch a fair few, but other days I'll spend hours on the hunt without any action at all. Or is that just blackie fishing?

Is there somewhere else I might find them at this time of year?


Edited by Mike89
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gidday Mike89 we have been fishing Woolwich the last few Mondays first Monday we got three in five hours two weeks ago five in fivehours yesterday my mate got a50cm blackfish I dropped two at the net we were using cabbage big fish but sometimes have to wait over an hour between downs yesterday I got two downs in five hours for zero my mate got three downs

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It's been pretty tough catching Blackfish as of late. I myself fished in Balmain on Saturday as well, not a single down for a good 4 hours. Moved over to a spot in Drummoyne. Fished for another 2-3 hours for 2 downs, 1 which turned into a 45cm stonker but I missed the other one.

My advice, just wait it out. Seems to be hard to catch anything in the harbour, people seem to be only able to catch them off the rocks. They should fire back up soon enough... well hopefully.

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At least you're getting the odd one or two.

I couldn't catch a cold at the moment.

August is the toughest in the harbour, then September.

But some beautiful mornings..

Coming down Mona Vale Rd, sun just rising, water looking glassy.

Who invented work?

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Guest Guest123456789

Maybe leave the harbour and head out to the rocks, try checking spots at low tide. Look for green weed, if a good bunch of it is there so will the fish be. Then come back and fish it high tide, making sure your weed is the same as the stuff growing there.

I personally dont buy into the 'winter shut down' call, I've been catching them and seen some good reports here also. But that's just my opinion - I could be wrong.

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Every year can be different at the moment there fish in Port Hacking and the Bay. The habour is patchy. This time last year I was getting heaps of fish in the lower habour. When someone works out blackfish hoots let me know! I still have not worked them out after 30 plus years chasing them!

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For some reason it has been hard to get a good feed of Luderick ones and twos but all have been big fish . I fish with Broometime and I fish hard for Luderick 6hrs and sometime no downs but as you all know fishing for Luderick can be like that. Best session so far is 5 all in the 40 cm . And all the fish on cabbage.

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Guest Lord Loser

Like LA said, you will never work them out. There one day gone the next, run up tide, run out tide next time, who knows what the do and at the end of the day it`s up them what they feel like doing. You can try several spots till you find them, if that doesn't work and this is my favourite option ` I go to the bottlo ` :)

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Thanks for the response all. It's reassuring to know that even the most seasoned of us haven't figured them out either!

I might try again later on in the afternoon.

Balmoral was really firing last year - there were blokes there fishing every weekend for them and they would usually catch a bagful. I wasn't into them at that time but after I'd had a bit of success over the summer I couldn't wait til the winter, thinking they would be going off again. Most of the times I've tried there though they'll either no-show or be on for 15 minutes tops.

Any good spots in Port Hacking that I could try? I've never fished down there.

Edited by Mike89
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Guest Lord Loser

gidday Mike89 we have been fishing Woolwich the last few Mondays first Monday we got three in five hours two weeks ago five in fivehours yesterday my mate got a50cm blackfish I dropped two at the net we were using cabbage big fish but sometimes have to wait over an hour between downs yesterday I got two downs in five hours for zero my mate got three downs

Do you have a pic of the 50cm luderick? Would be good if you did just so others can see how much their shape and girth looks compared to a 32cm specimen, I think it will surprise a lot on here.

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