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Sydney Sunday


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Gday all, great morning to be out, thought there would be a few more boats around early on but as the day progressed notice quite a few boats outside.

Had a first today, more on that later. The water at the moment is green but warm around 21° not much current about halfa knot sth. Light winds and a halfM se swell.

Fished pretty close today in between the 40s and 50s and the flathead are one the chew and all in roe, so if you like a feed of BBQ flatty and roe nows the time. Mostly all blue spots our biggest at 77 but majority all 41. Plenty of red spot whiting in the mix as well find either you will get the other. Not a mowie in sight all day and only 2 35cm snapper which we let go. Plenty of fish out there at the moment.

Going back to my first, the whale return is in full swing, had 8 pass today and its great to see their increase in numbers over the last few years. Today i literally caught a whale.... Its all quiet on the boat...im just pondering... the drag goes off the rod is bent to the outhouse and a massive well up of water appears next to the boat, can only be one thing a bloody whale, its taking line and appears 20M behind the boat. It then takes a dramatic 90° turn to port and comes around and disappears... ive got thoughts of moby dick and a pissed of whale that has taken a prawn and squid bait and should of gone to spec savers surfacing under us lol that dream was quickly erased after it surfaced abeam heading sth at a great rate of knots. Thats about it.

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