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4MYSON on Soft Plastics ? REALLY ?

Guest 4myson

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Well guys you wouldn't believe it But for a guy that swore he'd never fish soft plastics "I'M A CONVERT" (just don't tell Stewie) . Took the kids & wife out on Friday for a fish in Botany . Pulled up to our spot & everyone had their rod out with their pick of the bait from pilly tails to prawns & we sent out a steady stream of burley . An hour had past & not even a nibble on any of the 5 rods ! Kids & i were getting bored so i grabbed Anthony's tackle bag that had all the soft plastics in it & picked a jig head & plastic & tied it onto a spare rod & made my way to the front of the boat & started casting away trying to remember if anything sunk in from Gianni at the Plastics Social Event . Anthony found it amusing to see me finally stick to it for more than 10 cast, and just as i was think this was a waste of time I felt a bump on the line, I quickly lifted the rod & felt the hook set onto something & after a quick tussle & the wife netted my first Flatty on plastics . I WAS OVER THE MOON !!! It came in at 38cm & I was HOOKED !post-34552-0-57059100-1476101796_thumb.jpg

A few more cast later & i was on again but this was barely legal so my youngest daughter Sienna released it to go "Find Daddy" as she put it ...LOL... It went quite after that so i changed over to another colour & started casting towards where i had the other lines out at the back of the boat that STILL had no action... By the third cast just after the first flick as i was waiting for the line to go slack the line took off & the drag screamed off the little 2500 Stradic , I was only fishing 6lb & I knew that this was a better fish . It actually took quite a few decent runs & as i brought it to the surface i could see a decent flatty thrashing it's head side to side trying to dislodge the hook which was set in it's top lip Anthony reached for the net & we had it onto the boat with Cheers & smiles all round . After a quick photo we had it onto the good old lie detector & it came in at exactly 57cm . What a TOP day it turned out to be ... We had enough for fish Tacos that night so we called it a day....post-34552-0-13247700-1476101803_thumb.jpgpost-34552-0-78541200-1476101811_thumb.jpg

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Ive started getting into plastics this year

Ive always been a bait guy. But there's just something about hooking a fish in plastics that is special

Well done, the first fish on plastics is really special

Get ready to spend a whole lot of money on plastics and jig heads

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Excellent stuff and a couple of beautiful fish there. 57cm of flattie would have given you a decent run on your 6lb when you pulled him up to the surface!

I'm planning on getting into plastics this summer starting with flatties. Always fished with bait and have never caught a fish with a lure or artificial bait (save for a baby coffin ray I pulled in on a squid jig). Seems like an exciting and active way to fish.

Very inspiring for me to see you have your first success with plastics! Great work!

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Thanks for the comments guys & you guys are Spot on about there being something special about catching fish on plastics . I've caught plenty of flatty's before including some STONKERS but i don't know if it's just me but it felt like the flatty's fought a lot harder on the plastics over bait . Maybe the fact that they were all lip hooked & not gut hooked which is what normally happens when I bait fish . As for stoking up on plastics there's no need for that as my son Anthony has a whole tackle bag full of just plastics which he made me get ready for him for the Plastics Social we attended , I just couldn't be bothered using them as i knew i had constantly be casting the rod & working the plastic for no results ( Maybe i just had to stick to it for Longer than a couple of minutes...lol...)

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Well guys you wouldn't believe it But for a guy that swore he'd never fish soft plastics "I'M A CONVERT" (just don't tell Stewie) . Took the kids & wife out on Friday for a fish in Botany . Pulled up to our spot & everyone had their rod out with their pick of the bait from pilly tails to prawns & we sent out a steady stream of burley . An hour had past & not even a nibble on any of the 5 rods ! Kids & i were getting bored so i grabbed Anthony's tackle bag that had all the soft plastics in it & picked a jig head & plastic & tied it onto a spare rod & made my way to the front of the boat & started casting away trying to remember if anything sunk in from Gianni at the Plastics Social Event . Anthony found it amusing to see me finally stick to it for more than 10 cast, and just as i was think this was a waste of time I felt a bump on the line, I quickly lifted the rod & felt the hook set onto something & after a quick tussle & the wife netted my first Flatty on plastics . I WAS OVER THE MOON !!! It came in at 38cm & I was HOOKED !attachicon.gifthumbnail_IMAG0191.jpg

A few more cast later & i was on again but this was barely legal so my youngest daughter Sienna released it to go "Find Daddy" as she put it ...LOL... It went quite after that so i changed over to another colour & started casting towards where i had the other lines out at the back of the boat that STILL had no action... By the third cast just after the first flick as i was waiting for the line to go slack the line took off & the drag screamed off the little 2500 Stradic , I was only fishing 6lb & I knew that this was a better fish . It actually took quite a few decent runs & as i brought it to the surface i could see a decent flatty thrashing it's head side to side trying to dislodge the hook which was set in it's top lip Anthony reached for the net & we had it onto the boat with Cheers & smiles all round . After a quick photo we had it onto the good old lie detector & it came in at exactly 57cm . What a TOP day it turned out to be ... We had enough for fish Tacos that night so we called it a day....attachicon.gifthumbnail_IMAG0192.jpgattachicon.gifthumbnail_IMAG0195.jpg


I was the same, Did not fish plastics now I am an addict LOL. great work keep it up and keep trying :)

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Don't think i'll ever give up bait completely, But I was surprised to see my 1X Plastics rod outfish 5X baited rods .... And Harold I'd usually give up after the 10th cast but for some reason i decided to persist on .

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Plastics (and other lures) allow you to cast into little nooks and crannies where it is difficult to hold a bait while waiting for a fish to find it. I first used them nearly 40 years ago to catch flathead. We used ones called Vibrotails in those days and my best fish on one weighed 12.5 lbs (back when I was young and stupid and kept it!). It would have given the magic metre a nudge but in those days (1979) one weighed them rather than measured them. I caught that fish land-based on 6lb mono straight through to the jighead! I hooked and lost a similar fish the very next day.That was in Lake Wonboyn on the far south coast. The plastic the Vibrotails were made from was much stiffer than in today's models and the jigheads pretty flimsy in comparison to those available today.

The current range of plastics is mind boggling. In my experience they will take many different ones on any given day. The secret is to find where the fish are holding and keep casting. Vary you retrieve until you find the one they like that day! Drift around likely looking areas and don't be afraid to fish in quite shallow water, especially around weedbeds. Plastics rule!!


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Well done! It becomes very addictive. I rarely use bait now (unless it's a livey) and wait until you get your first King on a plastic, then the fun begins!! Great session mate!

I've caught kings on plastics before but that's only because i've sight cast to them after seeing them busting the surface ,But i could never stick to it if there was no surface action for more than a few casts... It has opened my eyes though to casting towards banks & working them back to the boat .

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