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First trip targeting kings


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Hey Guys,

I am heading out tomorrow with a buddy to have a crack at bagging a few kings. Haven't chased them from my recently aquired boat as yet.

Was tossing up between the harbour and botany bay but I have decided to try the bay and hit molineaux point for the first time.

I have only had 1 really good kingfish session from a hired tinny last year in Pittwater after many years of trying. (Pics below) We will TRY and catch come squid early morning but if that fails I plan to invest on some fresh local squid or cuttlefish from the markets and try for some yakkas when we head out.

Water temp is over 20 deg but I haven't heard any reports this season?

Wish me luck and if any of you champs have any botany bay tidbits to help me along the way I would be nothing but grateful.

Will report back tomorrow arvo/night.

Tight lines Raiders,




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You can get yakkas at the tug boats just about 300m before u get to molinox pt but i find the best bait sized ones are in yarra bay amongst the weed beds but ul have to burley to get them to the boat

If ur fishing molinx for kings get there as early as possible- sunrise is best

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