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Fishing Lake Macquarie - Swansea


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I wanted to put a plug into fishing at Swansea lake Macquarie

For us its less that two hours drive from western Sydney if the time of day is right before you arrive at Swansea. We camped at the Lakeside caravan park, may I say the park is one of the best.

The first three days the wind was Gale force so it gave me a chance to drive around the surrounding area popping into tackle shops etc to get some idea where to go and get the miss shopping out of the way.

Once the wind eased days later we got our chance to go fishing. There where plenty of fish Bream Flathead and Whiting around the shallows. While at pelican point we where witness to a nice Jew caught in the middle of the day. By mid after noon it was time let the daughter swim around the sand island in the channel water so crystal clear and us to just enjoy the sun and surrounds. The locals are telling me that the lake is fishing very well, best in years and if you haven't heard the DPI is about to transfer tonnes healthy fish that have been living in the canal to the power station that has been off limits to anglers. Tones of good healthy breeders.

The following day we headed outside, I had no idea where to go. Popped outside lots of bait lots of birds stopped at the 35m mark straight off the island and got a feed of Flathead. Headed down off Catherine hill bay to a reef and had no problem in catching a few reef species to add to the tub.

I was really impressed and if your looking to get out and try something different not to far away give this place a go.


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Guest Guest123456789

Thanks for the report dogbox. I'll give it a go. My brother has been fishing the Hawkesbury for some really atrocious sessions so will tell him to give the lake a go also. I'll speak also to the guys in the local fishing club.

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