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Bass point morning spin.


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Decided to go have a spin session at bass point after dropping the kid off at childcare. Small swell, moderate south westerly breeze and only 1 other fella on the ledge.

Spun for a good hour before the other fella hooked onto a 54cm. Noticed that the hits were coming when we upped the retrieval speed. Was hard going trying to match the speed of a 4500 with a 2500, but persistence paid off and I scored a 45cm rat. No photo as phone was in car.

Fella told me he got smoked yesterday by a horse so looks like the kingies are playing at Bass Point.

Plenty of Salmon balls about with birds flocking and whales frolicking. Photo taken after fish gear returned to car.




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Tide was receding, was using metal slicers, was smoked on a lure, kingies taking lures 3m from ledge so if you are ballooning you might get smashed as soon as it touches the water. Just pray it runs straight out instead of into the reef ?



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