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Guest hawkesbass

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Guest hawkesbass

Had two total failure sessions on friday night and saturday (exactly like the author is).

Today i hit the harbour chasing the luderick at pyrmont on a solo session.

An hour into the run up first down for the day and set the hook on the surgeon measuring 38 cms after getting him out of structure twice he was in the net.

Next fish was a throwback luderick.

Missed a couple of downs then set the hook on another surgeon which threw the hook just as the net was in range.

The next three fish landed were luderick being all keepers.

Hooked two surgeons in a row next with both biting me off while putting the hurt on them trying too keep them from getting into the structure.

The luderick came back on the bite getting four more fish into the net and pulled the hooks on a few fish also.

The last down i got was from a surgeon after a short fight it threw the hook as the net wasin sight again.

Called it quits after this.

Fished for four hours then headed home with five luderick and the surgeon.

Surgeon went 36 cms.

Biggest luderick went 41 cms

Cannot upload pics from my phone.

Cheers trevor.

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Nice catch. A pretty lively session then! Catching/hooking several surgeons in a single day is pretty awesome, I have heard they give a pretty damn good account of themselves! I've never caught one.

Where abouts in Pyrmont are you fishing if you don't mind me asking?

Good stuff!


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Guest hawkesbass
On Sunday, November 06, 2016 at 6:53 PM, Ryder said:

Good stuff Trevor.

I need to catch up soon.

Might need to just target the sawtails, I need to get one on the plate.

Yes you do need a catch up.

You have my bucket and royces gutting knife/chopping board still.

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