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Maroubra Saturday night


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First report fellas

Fished Maroubra tonight in front of the life savers club.

 Very quiet. Struggled to clearly identify gutters, holes etc, the water seemed shallow everywhere.

caught one shovel nose shark.. put him back. 

Good to get out there. 

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Still not a bad effort mate. 

Trying looking where the waves break and keep an eye out for the whitewash. Usually means there's a sand bar or higher ground etc. Also check out where the waves form. That's usually deep water.

I tried maroubra beach this morning. Same spot as you. No luck. Just a few bites. Run out tide too. 

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Thanks guys.

Night fishing is what I'll be doing mostly as got two young kids so head out when there in bed.. 

have to try get there a bit earlier see if I can see some good spots in the day light. Keen to get back out asap

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Hi, well done on getting out there. Nothing beats standing in the beach in the dark ... Well except standing on the beach in the dark catching fish! ? Try and get there in the day to spot the gutters, it's pretty hard to do at night. Put a marker somewhere on the beach so u can find it again when u return. I've always had more luck with salmon and tailor in the winter months off the beach and in summer I switch to pipis and prawns and target whiting and bream.   Try Wanda Beach too. Cheers 

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