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Bundeena Wharf no fishing signs?

Sea Ranger

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My son and I  have been fishing off the Bundeena ferry wharf in the past and I've seen the NSW Fisheries sign that depicts common fish and size bag limits..  Recently the council upgraded the wharf and now there are several signs that state no fishing or at least I first noticed them. Have I missed these signs in the past or is it something new? 



Edited by Noo2OzFish
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8 minutes ago, Deekay87 said:

Havent seen it before. But some new wharfs around sydney have been banning fishing

With the state some fishos leave them in I'm not surprised.

On a side note,is fishing from pontoons,wharfs and boat ramps banned everywhere or in certain locations or what?Because the amount of people that are fishing from them that I have to ask to move tells me that there not banned or people just don't care.Im thinking the later and sooner or later I'm going to give those people swimming lessons.

I shouldn't say that but they are frustrating that's for sure.


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I always grab some garbage left here and there and walk it the 50 meters to the public bins there.  I would say though that a lot of that garbage is left from Ferry passengers or kids using the wharf as a swimming platform (BTW swimming from the wharf was banned too)



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