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Big red on slow jig


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Went out reef slow jigging with me mate today, conditions were near perfect early in the day but winds picked up in the arvo. We first went scouting for new spots but could only land some barracouta and surprisingly two squid! After switching spots, we could finally see some good signs on the sounder. My PB snapper to date (58cm) was landed shortly after, but the barracoutas were everywhere and giving us a hard time. All in all, a good day of jigging with a pretty decent mixed bag. Also upon request tested out a new jig from Maxel and a slow jigging rod from JS company.





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1 hour ago, JonD said:

Good catch:D


1 hour ago, Raymondo said:

Out again MS , nice weather follows you around. How deep were you hitting the cudas? The butt on your rod is crazy long.

Yup, haha. We were fishing around the 100 meter mark.

Yes, it is important for slow pitch rods to have such a long butt, watch one of my previous videos and you will see why.

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