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SA Squid and high country trout


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Just back from a 7 week trip in the van wandering around southern NSW, Victorian high country, Broken Hill, Clare Valley and Kangaroo Island. DId a bit of fishing in a few places but only had success on the squid on the South Oz coast at a place called Second Valley not far from the ferry out to KI. They don't seem to get many fish off the shore there other than the occasional tommy ruff and salmon, but make up for it with lots of squid. It took a little while to get the technique right but then it was 3 or 4, sometimes 10 squid at a time and all good sized ones. So it was calamari and chips for the next few days.

No luck on KI fishing the shore. Had a charter booked to hit the King George Whiting but the operator pulled the pin the night before , I suspect not enough clients but he didn't have the guts to tell me that.

Headed home via the Victorian high country around Bright and Myrtleford (below Mt Hotham) and took the opportunity to try trout fishing - I've never done it before but my mate has been a couple of times. The scenery was great and we each managed  a few small rainbows (around 20cm) in our streams before too long using Celta style spinners. I was gob smacked you could catch fish in just 6-12 inches of water! On the second day my mate caught a decent one of 43 cm from a hole under a small bridge. Next day he did it again same sized fish in another hole. So with almost no knowledge and very little experience we managed a few each day including 2 good ones that ended in the pan each night .

Everyone warned us about the snakes - tigers and browns, so we were glad to be in waders walking the stream but were still very wary having seen a big tiger while on KI and seeing how aggressive they can be.

Despite concern over snakes the fishing was a lot of fun and I think I'll be back again!

Now back to trying to catch a fish in Sydney.

Cheers LuckyFil




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