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Man made trout fisheries


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Yeah true I understand that... 

Im from Scotland. Been here ten years... Snowy Hydro, Lyell, TCD etc are stocked but they are not fished regularly. I am talking a place stocked two to three times a week and people fishing them well daily, also th being more accessible to a wider audience. Than the above mentioned 

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There was a trout farm near Lithgow - on the left of the highway just before the jail. You could fish there for a fee. I think it closed down about 5 or so years back.

i went in there for a look around once. There were people catching and barbecuing trout. No effort or skill required - the fish were pellet-fed so they jumped on anything which looked like a pellet. 

The fish had to be artificially fed because it's a lot of fish in a small area so natural food plays no role.

personally, they have to be wild fish for me to want to fish for them. I don't like put-and-take fisheries, though I suspect that's becoming a minority attitude.

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Also remember a similar thing at a barramundi farm. I was staying at Mission Beach in Qld so it must have been somewhere near there. 

People fishing in large rectangular pools. They did seem to be enjoying themselves.


Back in Sydney, there was also a place that advertised having a 'Fishing pond' just off Windsor Road, about one kilometre up Boundary Road. I think maybe it was at a caravan park. I understood it to be a pay fishing pond. I drove past last week and the sign appears to be gone.


so it's been done a few times.

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8 hours ago, Volitan said:

There was a trout farm near Lithgow - on the left of the highway just before the jail. You could fish there for a fee. I think it closed down about 5 or so years back.

i went in there for a look around once. There were people catching and barbecuing trout. No effort or skill required - the fish were pellet-fed so they jumped on anything which looked like a pellet. 

The fish had to be artificially fed because it's a lot of fish in a small area so natural food plays no role.

personally, they have to be wild fish for me to want to fish for them. I don't like put-and-take fisheries, though I suspect that's becoming a minority attitude.

No more its gone .

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11 hours ago, luderick -angler said:

What do you classify as man made? You can consider all the Snowy Hydro lakes and pondage as man made! Lake Lyell, TCD, Lake Wallace etc and there's all the privately stocked farm dams in the central west and Victoria! 

Royce is spot on they are the only ones I know also .

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