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Hawkesbury overnighter 22/12/16

Kingy fisho

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Hello Raiders,

Spent the night in our runabout yesterday behind an island in the Hawkesbury. I forgot what the spot is called. It is further in than the road bridge. Maybe Milson island? Anyway was soaking some dead herring and mullet for jewfish. My dad got two jewie runs but the hooks didn't set! apart for that only bycatch were two damn pike eels. Fishing wasn't very good. Wanted to report very warm water 25-26degrees. I think that there were lots of Bull sharks around when tide was running. We got busted off a dozen times. The sharks would hit aggressively, run fast against current and then when they felt the hook, would shake their heads violently cutting the line. The leader would be completely shredded and the hooks were either gone or didn't set. I estimate from the weight that the sharks were only pups around 1m. The last shark that I hooked was much bigger. Even if the hook did set it might have spooled me. I think it might of been a big mum. Can anyone confirm that these are likely bull sharks or is there a more likely candidate?

Thanks in advance,

Kingy fisho

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On 12/23/2016 at 6:35 PM, Kingy fisho said:

Hello Raiders,

Spent the night in our runabout yesterday behind an island in the Hawkesbury. I forgot what the spot is called. It is further in than the road bridge. Maybe Milson island? Anyway was soaking some dead herring and mullet for jewfish. My dad got two jewie runs but the hooks didn't set! apart for that only bycatch were two damn pike eels. Fishing wasn't very good. Wanted to report very warm water 25-26degrees. I think that there were lots of Bull sharks around when tide was running. We got busted off a dozen times. The sharks would hit aggressively, run fast against current and then when they felt the hook, would shake their heads violently cutting the line. The leader would be completely shredded and the hooks were either gone or didn't set. I estimate from the weight that the sharks were only pups around 1m. The last shark that I hooked was much bigger. Even if the hook did set it might have spooled me. I think it might of been a big mum. Can anyone confirm that these are likely bull sharks or is there a more likely candidate?

Thanks in advance,

Kingy fisho

If your talking about the first island up river from the road bridge then yes that's Milson island.

I would agree on the shark being the culprits. Bull sharks, maybe but there are a lot of silver sharks in the system and are aggressive feeders although if you were behind the island between the houses and the island you should have seen a shape or colour as its quite shallow there especially at low tide




Edited by Day's Fishin
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