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Pre-Chrissy flatty release


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On Thursday I finally wet the yak after a month of madness at work. Launched at 8am with iffy tides but a nice cover of clouds and light S/E winds. Trolled the flats and picked up a lolly-pop squid which was very quickly hooked onto a livey rig and peddled over to one of my favourite deep water spots.

Lolly pop squid.jpg

Right on time at the very end of the run out, I dropped the morsel into the depths and it wasn't long before there was weight on the end of the line, head shakes and a decent fight, a beautifully marked flathead slipped into the net.

81cm flatty released December 22 2016.jpg

I wanted to get a good video of the release so peddled over to the nearby shore. She came in at 81cm and swam off like an Olympian:).

81cm flatty before release December 22 2016.jpg

The rest of the day was pretty much noneventful with three small flatties taken home for a feed.

Check out the vid of the release....great feeling to see the big girl go back in and check out the markings over the river bed:)



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