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Botany Bay and Georges - a few good fish


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I swapped the yak for a day out on my mate's boat in the bay yesterday. We collected some poddies and fished with nippers for pretty much zilch in the morning as the high came in. Had a go for some squid with minimal results. The plan was to head up river tohe stronger part of the run out with the poddies and it wasn't until early arvo when we had some good results. My mate was wrapped with his 68cm flatty and a bonus 40cm bream on a dead poddy and I scored a close second on the day with a 60cm flatty and a 38cm bream, all on poddies. Funnily enough, the nippers and squirt worms didn't get a look in!

Today's Catch.JPG

38cm bream.jpg

60cm flatty.jpg

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Couple of good lizards there mate,         The river needs a bit of fresh I reckon, as long as the jet skis are not tearing up the place I'll be happy down my way, can I ask What size weight on your poddies to stay deep and in the zone ? Do u drift or anchor? I drift livies whilst flicking, or should I just concentrate on the live rigs? Next week it's hopefully my turn , usually this time of year produces the big girls ! 

great report again mate

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2 hours ago, Ribs said:

Couple of good lizards there mate,         The river needs a bit of fresh I reckon, as long as the jet skis are not tearing up the place I'll be happy down my way, can I ask What size weight on your poddies to stay deep and in the zone ? Do u drift or anchor? I drift livies whilst flicking, or should I just concentrate on the live rigs? Next week it's hopefully my turn , usually this time of year produces the big girls ! 

great report again mate

I use poddies from 10-15cm and fish them on a live bait hook (wide gap) on a 1m trace, weighted by a dropper rig on a slider about 40cm off the bottom. I vary the sinker weigtht depending on depth and current so I always can feel the bottom. Look for some deeper drains off the flats up your way and fish a livey deep while flicking over the flats. 2017 could be the year of the 1m beast! 

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