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Has anyone tried fishing


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As the title says,has anyone fished say a paternoster rig with a bait on one hook and a plastic on the other using mono?

Or just use the plastic using mono?

I've been given these plastics but I'm not set up for them really.

Im well aware that you need light sensitive rods,braid,etc,etc which I do not have.

All we have are light glass rods matched to either 4000 or 2000 reels.

My son did catch that flathead at the shoalhaven on the drift using that gulp shrimp so I'm guessing it's possible to some degree but not ideal.

These are the plastics and jigs I was given.image.jpg


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No reason why they wouldn't work, although I wouldnt be using a jighead, just use a normal hook and run them on the top hook. 

I've used big plastics rigged on weedless hooks with some success for Jewies off the beach.

Works on the same principal as a surf popper we use for salmon and more often than not they'll hit the popper instead of the bait.

Never hurts to try something different. I'd also be putting some artificial scent on them if you were going to fish them with this method rather than the traditional cast and retrieve


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As initially suggested by Crossfire 63 I would use SP on a long shank hook instead of weighted jigheads, so the current could do some action with unweighted SP.  Also, I would add artificial scent on SP other then Gulp as Gulp is already enough 'scented'.

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Definately give it a shot mate, its actually the way i started using plastics a loooong time ago!

as you say fish it as a dropper on paternoster  rig, caught heaps of flathead and flounder this way, good thing about it is if the pickers are around you still have a (bait) down after they demolish your real bait.

stick to plastics that dont need alot of action, ie prawns, wrigglers etc, they work well with just the motion of the ocean lol.

your going to be surprised when one comes up with the lure in its mouth lol.

def works anyway so yeah get to it!

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