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W.A Fishing


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Hi everyone,

A couple of weeks ago I took my family to visit relatives in Perth W.A and while we were there we managed to do some

land based squiding, as well a boat trip in search of some fish.

We got a few squid but they were mostly on the small side but still fun for my boys and I as these were our first ever W.A squid.

While out on the boat we managed a few Snapper, Trevally, Break sea cod, Gurnards, Bald chin gropers and a few poor mans lobsters.

The fishing was steady all day, but at one reef we had a four way hook up with the all fish stripping line off the reels at a great pace.

The skipper said looks like Samson fish by the runs. The end result was one fish got off and the three others got sharked. There was a

couple more good hook ups here but both fish got sharked again so we moved pots.

Here's a few pics.

My son Jono and a few squid.








Edited by Penguin
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