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Oufished by the old fella at Balmoral


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With my dad in Sydney on holidays for a week I thought I'd try again to take him out fishing and hopefully this time put him onto something! Our last couple of outings (not often; he's in Adelaide most of the time) have turned up pretty fruitless, although as a born-and-bred North Queenslander who grew up fishing for mangrove jacks he hadn't lost his keen anglers' spirit.

On a whim we decided to throw out some prawns off the beach at Balmoral on the rising tide/sunset.

Funny how times change. When we went out as kids dad would hardly even get to fish, instead spending all the time fixing our lines and tangles and helping us with casts. This time it was dad sitting by idly as I scrambled to get rods and rigs sorted and set up.

While I cast, adjusted the position, retrieved to check the bait, cast out again and repeated the process, never quite feeling satisfied with my cast, dad just let his bait sit and soak. I guess patience comes with age, and paid off in trumps for the old fella as his rod took an almighty bend and line started spewing out. With a bit of nervous instruction from me (Get it away from the rocks! Run back up the beach!), dad washed up the fish on the sand:


Bream, 43cm and his first fish in fifteen years. To say he was stoked is a bit of an understatement! We also have a running family record for bream of 42cm, so he was thrilled to have the one-up on my younger sister (who couldn't give a hoot about fishing).

Managed a flatty around the 40 mark myself a bit later before packing it in.

Edited by Mike89
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3 hours ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

Loved your story Mike. As BN said the family memories live on forever.

The family record made me smile. How many in the family?

Younger sister, she's 23, and a brother a couple of years older over in the USA at the moment.

A little while back I convinced my sis to join me fishing with some old gear we had dug out of dad's storage...


After watching her pull that up off the rocks I was hooked... I caught the bug and the rest is history - many dollars spent, new gear purchased, and I do say a good few fish caught - but I am still yet to outdo the bream she caught that day!

She was pretty happy to rest on her laurels. Haven't been fishing with her since!

Edited by Mike89
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