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Corlette Beach this morning


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Ducked down the road to Corlette Beach after the overnight showers to catch the run in tide with the remainder of a bag of prawns bought a fortnight ago. Just settled in when the thundery showers returned with a vengance. After sticking it out for 5 minutes or so I headed for a covered BBQ area in the carpark soaking wet and waited it out. After a couple of undersized sand whiting (released), my persistence was rewarded with this fella. Amazing how a decent catch makes you forget the inconvenience of soaked clothing. 



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Well done, mate! I've caught a few similar sized lizards off the beach at Corlette.  Pump some yabbies, then fish with them in the same spot, or flick a soft plastic across the flats.  Nothing more satisfying.  In about 3 weeks, I'll be living right near there myself.  Can't wait!  Roll on the sea change!

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Thanks fellas. I was probably expecting a bream if anything given the conditions but you never know. Considered the anchorage Scatchie but it looked a little crowded on the wall so I opted for the Conroy Park corner. I would have had some yabbies Baz but the rain came in yesterday afternoon just as I was planning to go so ended up having to use the prawns. I've done ok with the SPs at Jimmys in the past but haven't had any luck here with them. Will give 'em ago from time to time but I'm back in the bait camp at the moment. Lovely part of the world up here.


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Hey mate nice catch, i was up there couple weeks ago throwing plastics along that beach a couple of afternoons/mornings for nil. I did see a few blokes working the flats on run out tide near the dog beach dont know how they went though.. 

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8 hours ago, dirtyh said:

Considered the anchorage Scatchie but it looked a little crowded on the wall so I opted for the Conroy Park corner.

Not the wall itself. Try the beach to the right of it. Access opposite peninsula ave! Some good bream and whiting there! 

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Thanks Mischief. Haven't fished Bagnalls for a while. Only moved up here late October so still have my L plates. Used to get good lizards there. 

I know where you mean Scratchie. We live just off Peninsula so 5 minutes walk away. I got a couple of just legal size whiting there before Christmas but I'll give it another go.

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