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Quick fish amongst the poor weather


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Due to the heavy downpours of recency its been difficult to get out as much as I like, but seeing I had the day off work & uni today, me and a mate went out on my tinny this morning. We launched off Kurnell at around 8, planned to try the usuals, but saw a bit of bait in the bay and decided to have a troll past it. This proved successful with 2 bonnies that we both ended up cutting up for bait. Fished until 11 at the usuals for a interesting mixed bag of flounder (26 & 31cm), squid and an occy. Caught plenty of undersized flatties, flounder, snapper and 2 rats.


Edited by samjames95
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17 minutes ago, PowerFisher said:

Nice catch,Well done.

Weather looking bad for the foreseeable future, best to go and take the chance between.

Cheers mate, yeah definitely great to get out and get a feed, nice and quiet too!

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52 minutes ago, big Neil said:

Good mixed catch there samjames. You can't beat the joy of getting out there and getting among the fish /cephalopods when the forecast says "STAY HOME". Cheers BN

Definitely mate, best part of it is just as we left the ramp with the tinny tied down it pissed down and washed my boat for me

44 minutes ago, finin said:

Flounder and butter, jealous.

Definitely a family favourite

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