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Inspecting BMT pt 10


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Doesn't matter if your talking a four stroke or 2 stroke under the engine cowling there's a few simple things to check there also.

I start with a good visual of the engine as a whole asking myself these questions.

Does the engine look it's age?

Does the engine look relatively clean as a whole?

Does any wiring look neat and tidy?

Are any fluid reservoirs in good condition and toped up?

Can you see any blistered/peeling paint on the engine block?

Is there a white substance that looks like salt corrosion?

Are there any rust stains/water leaks?


Again a well cared for outboard should look nice,clean and tidy under the cowl.image.jpgDon't worry if you don't know what your looking at does just perform a few simple checks I'll show you below.image.jpgAs the photo above shows outboards have all sorts of wiring and electrics in different configurations but one thing that doesn't change is connections,wiring and components can and do fail on all of them.

The simple things any layperson can do is inspect anywhere there is an electrical connection to ensure it is clean,tight and corrosion free.

I like to wiggle and gently pull all connections to check their security looking along the length if any wires for signs of burning,rubbing  etc.

Ask yourself questions as you go.Does the wiring look neat and tidy?Is it secure?(Give it a gentle pull)Is there what appears like green powder on any of the wiring terminals,posts etch?

Look at the top of the head for discolouration,peeling paint(both can indicate overheating).Tool marks,chipped paint on bolts indicate part removal at some stage during the engines life.(This can indicate the engine has been serviced).The paint should be uniform in colour on the entire block.image.jpg

Cont pt 11

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