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Lower habour luderick - flying solo

luderick -angler

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Well I fished yesterday with Paul and Trevor for a big donut! Trevor said you should have been here yesterday!!!! Well today was the day. Wemt to one of Dads old eastern suburbs haunts I. The habour he loved dearly for a solo session. A bus and train ride had me in Rose Bay and walking the track to a nice little rock ledge by day break. Things were slow to start no downs for three hours and I thought bugger not here! Well about half todevin they come on downs every drift I had my bag limit by 11am and was still catching and releasing by 12. Called it quits around top of the tide. Quick happy snap released three amd kept 7 for a few friends. Should have been here today! 


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Cheers Royce. Will likely be in Sydney in May as I have a prepaid return air fare which has to be taken or lost. I'll keep you posted when I know what's happening. Haven't done any float fishing since I was a kid catching Carp in the UK (LOL). So therapeutic...mesmerising, waiting for it to go under. BN

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