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Mixed Report- Jervis Bay and Berowra


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G'day Raiders,
My missus has only learnt the full extent of my addiction to fishing quite recently, so I've decided to merge the two as she has shown some fair interest in my favourite past time. (She checks the tides before she comes round and asks if I'm going fishing first and has learnt the best times to go, top lady).
So for our first outing, i took her to my local waterway in Berowra for a quick bream session.
After a few short instructionals on how to rig the bait and where to cast she was baiting and casting herself and being rewarded with a few undersized bream.
Of course being on the water I was going to drop a line in myself, had a little poddy in for the chance of a jew and the rest of my time watching and giving her some tips on what to do and what not to do.
I saw a few bumps on the livey, went to check it expecting a pike eel and pulled in a nice 60cm flatty and after a few quick snaps, she went back in the drink.

Later down the track and a bit closer to the top of the tide it goes a bit quite in the spot we were fishing so we moved back down towards the boat ramp and stopped at a few spots in some deeper water which can hold a few more sizeable models.
First cast into this snaggy area, bang on target where i said the big one may lurk, she gets a hit, it peels some line off and she drops and winds like a pro, letting the fish run when it wanted to and fighting it tooth and nail all the way back to the boat. 
In comes this nice blue nose going 36cm's and her new PB, she was stoked, few very happy snaps later, the old bruiser was released.

A week or so later an impromptu trip to Jervis Bay pops up for myself, the missus and a bunch of mates from uni.
Given the information from a post i made, it seemed like my best option would be to go to the tubes.
I drove down at night early, slept in my car so i could wake up at first light and do some prospecting.
The weather for the weekend was perfect, a light NW was blowing, swell was flat as a tack and the sun was out just enough to lightly kiss the skin. 
First few casts with a 40gm slug comes a frigate mackerel, followed by the next few hours seeing about 10 or so bonnies and mac tuna in the mix as well up to about 50cm, all thrown back as i'm too lazy to salt them for bait.
A big seal came through at one point and did see a big dirty king being very intrigued with a smaller frigate i let flounder around near my feet, though couldn't tempt it with the stickbait at all.

Come night time, i convince the missus of an early wake up so she can get stuck into some real fun catching a few bonito.
We wake up a little later than expected but she does manage to catch 4 small mac tuna and had a ball casting for them and experiencing the speed of these guys, regardless of their size.
We were getting about one every 20 minutes, but it died off as the sun rose further and given her experience, we packed up as i didn't want her interest to stagnate by not catching fish (key to beginners is to make sure they're always catching).

Cheers for reading guys, sorry for the long post.






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13 hours ago, Mischief said:

Looks like everything came to plan for you down at JB. Its always good when the better half gets into our great hobby. Frigates make a great kingy bait dead or alive..Top report and thanks for sharing. 


Yeah one of the other blokes there hooked up to a good king on an uneweighted belly strip, got reefed fairly quickly though.


10 hours ago, big Neil said:

Great report Chris and some excellent pics too. Best get the "missus" to join F/R. She's a keeper mate. Good luck guys, BN

Yeah that's the idea ;)
Cheers Neil.

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