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Fishing The Pantanal Brazil


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Hello all,

Far, far too long between posts. I've been slack sharing trips, but this was was epic!

5.5 days fishing the worlds largest wetlands - The Pantanal in Brazil. 

The main targets are Pacu, Piau Açu, Dourado, Juaj and Pintado.

Pacu is probably the most prized locally, as it eats increadibly well. It eats nothing but fruit, so you literally pick fruit from the shore, and put it on your hook. Every fish there has huge teeth, is angry as all hell and pulls like a freight train. 

Anyone who's had to battle through the Leather Jackets out wide will know what it's like fishing around Piranha's. The hit your knots, your braid, and anything that has been touched with fishy fingers. We even had a Pacu come back to the boat with a head and only a skeleton.

I first read about The Pantanal in a fishing book when I was 12. Nice to get there 26 years later.

Travel there is very difficult and takes a lot of help from locals and none of them speak english. Once you arrive in Brazil, there's 26 hours of bus trip, 16 hours heading up river on the mothership and then you're there.

Here's a video of the trip:


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Nice report & video Marty. Thanks for sharing. It's funny how the pacu there differ from the ones in Bolivia. I fished down there years ago & caught a massive pacu, around 6-7kg's, on a slab of meat. They also call them oyster crackers. They also look a little different, being more like a black drummer in colour than the silvery with gold fins in your vid.

Well done on a great adventure. It looks like the 26 year wait was worth it!

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That looks an awesome trip mate!! Great work in making the effort and and thanks for the interesting report.

Maybe the site should start a section or thread for most interesting places members have fished? great for travel ideas and I'm sure there are a million amazing fishing spots i'm still yet to hear about. 


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