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A Fishy tale; Saturday and Sunday trips


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Fished Saturday morning out from Port hacking. Fishing with my dad from my boat, after 30 years of taking me and my brother fishing dad is more than keen to  come fishing on our boats where all he has to do is turns up to the ramp with a couple of rods and jump on the boat. I even turned the boat around so he could step onto the stern without taking his shoes off while i stood in the water to push off.

Headed out to  Jibbon bombie and picked up a couple of squid, proceeded to  troll and drift all around the reefy area for nothing. 

Moved down to Marley and tried again, at least this time we saw a couple of rat kings, they followed the baits up but the baits were too big.

Gave up on this and decided to put the  squid in the esky for us. Had a quick drift for flathead on the way back up which produced four keepers, so at least we had something to show. 

Went back to the ramp for the second part of the trip, organised for dad to go to my house pick up my 3 year old and bring him down to the ramp  ( no such thing as a free trip). In the 20mins they were gone i caught a few poddy mullet, dad return and dropped of baxter and went home while i took baxter fishing.

Anchored in the  mouth of yowie bay, plan was to play with the small reddies (great fun when you are 3) and have a couple of livies out.

Dropped the first poddy to the bottom and went to get the next rod ready turned back to see the first rod buckled over, must of dropped it on his nose. Grab the rod solid weight couple of big head shakes, call for the net that my companion brings and declare "he will net it". Solid weight but no real fight and a big flatty comes into view. Baxter decides to let me help net it, this is where things get fun. Straight into the net but only half fits and start to lift now this wakes the fish up and it explodes in the  net thrashing i lift it over the side hanging by a couple of his spikes as it jumps out of the net it hits the floor with a thump and continues to thrash and crash around the floor, find a glove and manage to get a thumb grib after a few goes. Turn around to find my helper is hiding in the cabin peaking out from behind a tackle bag.

With the fish under control he comes back out for a look. Onto the measuring tape, 85cm and solid and a new pb for me, take a couple of photos and get ready to release her. Pick up the phone to film the release and notice its off and wont turn on, assume flat battery. We release the fish and watch it swim away strongly.

Get back to fishing a spend a enjoyable hour catching red bream, leather jacket, yellowtail and garfish with my little fishing companion.

Get home 10 mins earlier than i said i would so brownie points for me. Here is where the tale gets a little fishy. Put the phone on the charge and it turns on, half battery which seems odd, check the gallery and find the last two photos are blank error messages. My pb flathead and no photos and an unreliable witness who told mummy it was a shark and again in the arvo told grandpa it was a shark.

So no proof of my pb but still an enjoyable day on the water.

Took the boat out again on the Sunday, this time a family trip out in Botany Bay to see the seals. Launched the boat at kurnell and dropped in some crab pots and headed over to molineaux point to have a look at the  seals found 7 or 8 splashing around or sunning on the rocks. Spent half hour watching the seals kids loved it. Didn't see much get caught by the boats in that time.

Went over to the runways to watch the planes land which the kids also loved. Wind picked up so it was time to head home. No crabs in the traps. A passerby was nice enough to help  get the boat back on the trailer as the northwest wind made it awkward, just having someone hold a back corner rope made a huge difference to me.

Edited by Oscarthebeagle
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Well Ash, the saying is that kids do not tell lies, so it must have been an 85cm 'shark'.  He said it twice. :lol:

Pulled out a flattie like that years ago, no fight until it landed on the bottom of the boat, then it went beserk thrashing it's head about, just had to wait until it tired itself out. The head spikes on one that size can cause some serious injuries.

At least you gave the kids an entertaining time over the weekend.

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