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Jervis Bay Winter


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G'day raiders,
I will be heading down again to Jervis Bay at the end of July, staying at a mates place in Vincentia. 
I went up for a trip a few months back and had a ton of fun spinning for bonnies in the northern end of the bay.
I'll be land based for the whole trip, mostly wanting to have a go from the stones.
I've dug up an old Policansky Monarch 2020 overhead reel in great condition and was wondering whether it would be worthwhile taking it for any possible game fish which may be around. 
Apart from that i'm assuming snapper and kings will be the main species on offer, can anyone shed any light on snapper off the stones?

Cheers Raiders

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Kings are pretty tough to find landbased at that time of year, more likely species to target are salmon and bonito.

Its a good time to fish the rocks for drummer, so keep that in mind.

I've caught the odd decent snapper on lightly weighted plastics worked around the edges of the washes where I chase blackfish but don't do that too often in winter.

Also owned a Policansky back in the day, can't remember the model number but it was the smaller one.

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