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Skin check time


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Hi All

Here is my community service

Being 40yr and growing up in a typical Aussie kid at the beach or out skiing on the boat, Last year i decided its time to get my skin checked, I went to my local Medical Centre who also had a skin specialist and after a good look over was given the all clear.

Great, Well it was great but i still had doubts about a red itchy spot on my right arm,

i spoke to a few people and got a recommendation from a friend about a Dr in Nth Sydney who only does Skin checks, She said he can be a little trigger happy with burning things off but he was good.

So two weeks later mid Aug and i rolled into his office and within two minutes he said the spot on my arm doesn't look good, he did a Biopsy and then froze the buggar, Then proceeded to freeze 8 other suspect spots and recorded 4 others to check again in 6mths.

The biopsy came back as Bowen disease, which is a form of Skin Cancer and left untreated can be quite aggressive.

I have just gone back for my 6mth check up and again i have had 3 age spots frozen (One on my nose so think Rudolph) but was given the all clear and im on to yearly inspections now.

So remember

Just like you do to the kids:

Put on a Hat

Wear Sunglasses

Sunscreen regularly

Wear a Rash vest when on the water or at the beach, take it off to show the Abs if you need to, but put it back on.

50+ rated clothing while fishing in the Sun

Plenty of Water

Get your skin checked along with all the other checks ups.

Edited by jeffb5.8
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Good Topic! Catch them early and most skin cancers can be removed and no more dramas. Once a year for checkups can literally save your life.

My sister died of melanoma aged 33 and left behind 2 young kids. Never was in to the outdoors/beach lifestyle and had very limited exposure to the sun and almost no sunburns her entire life. Never got a skin cancer check however, when they found it was in her lymph nodes and too late, less than 3 years later was all over. A true tragedy.


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9 hours ago, jeffb5.8 said:

Cheers So two weeks later mid Aug and i rolled into his office and within two minutes he said the spot on my arm doesn't look good, he did a Biopsy and then froze the buggar, Then proceeded to freeze 8 other suspect spots and recorded 4 others to check again in 6mths.

I find that pretty surprising and a bit alarming - freezing 8 suspect spots off.

ive had recurrent melanoma for a decade now - so I do know a fair bit about it. I often ask my specialist about removing suspect spots but he's dead against it. he isn't very good at explaining his thinking but it appears to be that if you remove the spot and take no further action then you haven't removed all the suspect cells, but you have removed the signal that tells you where the problem was.

Also you are not going to be able to get the information on the spot from which you can derive a diagnosis and proper treatment regime. The main one i know of is depth of penetration, from which they derive your treatment and likely chances of survival (morbid but true).

My doctor at the melanoma centre seems to agree - although less stridently so.

I've always thought that the proper clinical approach to a suspect skin spots was to do a narrow area excision, send removed sample off for biopsy. Then a wide area excision and subsequent treatment if it comes back positive for melanoma.

Im not a doctor though. Maybe it's something you should clarify, as you obviously have a lot of sun damage.

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Hi Voiltan

Can totally see the thinking from your specialist.

i have only had the one spot which was Bowens, the rest were described as age spots.

I did ask and he told me he froze them off to prevent them from possibly becoming a concern in the future.

surprisingly I don't actually have lots of sun damage, now he has frozen these spots there is very little to see so hopefully next visit I won't have any to remove.

but it does go to show that even if you don't think you have any issues you should get a check up as I would not describe my self as fair skinned but am white.

Edited by jeffb5.8
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A great reminder for us fishermen (and ladies of course). 

Ive been around the water all my life and as I have fair skin I'm regularly seeing my skin cancer man. In fact I'm off to him at Kirrawee tomorrow 

so in support of this original post - get regular skin check if your always in the sun. 

Wear a hat, glasses and a good sunscreen. 

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Thanks Jeff,

That's a great topic and very appropriate for us blokes who can be a little slack in checking into any health issues.

The only thing I would add is don't become complacent just because the results are always clear.

Touch wood, I have never had anything noteworthy and I have been tempted to give it a miss I just keep going anyway because I figure that cancers can just switch on and it is always better to catch them early.









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Don't forget it is not just a sun exposure or fair skinned thing - it can appear anywhere on your body on people of any skin colour with any amount of sun exposure.

Bob Marley died of melanoma under his toenail of all places!

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I clearly remember reading a thread on this forum years ago where lots of people opted not to put sunscreen on in fear of contaminating the bait/lure with sunscreen smell and putting off the fish. I was pretty shocked by the number of fishos who intentionally opted to avoid sunscreen for this reason. I would rather hurt my chances of fishing over getting skin cancer. Keep in mind there are also sunscreens that are advertised to be 'fish friendly' in terms of smell/taste 

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Nearly lost half my nose, due to one that begun as what i thought was a blind pimple. Didnt go away and a M8 kept pestering me to get it looked at....us males .. yeah shell be right M8. Relinquished and went to the doc, two days later had a hole through one side of my nose and a skin graft from near ear. Also had two cut out of driving arm that left scars 50mm long side by side. Looks like i had a double rigged marlin lure stuck in my arm. Thats the story anyway.

 If sus get it checked!

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On ‎14‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 6:33 PM, Volitan said:

I find that pretty surprising and a bit alarming - freezing 8 suspect spots off.

ive had recurrent melanoma for a decade now - so I do know a fair bit about it. I often ask my specialist about removing suspect spots but he's dead against it. he isn't very good at explaining his thinking but it appears to be that if you remove the spot and take no further action then you haven't removed all the suspect cells, but you have removed the signal that tells you where the problem was.

Also you are not going to be able to get the information on the spot from which you can derive a diagnosis and proper treatment regime. The main one i know of is depth of penetration, from which they derive your treatment and likely chances of survival (morbid but true).

My doctor at the melanoma centre seems to agree - although less stridently so.

I've always thought that the proper clinical approach to a suspect skin spots was to do a narrow area excision, send removed sample off for biopsy. Then a wide area excision and subsequent treatment if it comes back positive for melanoma.

Im not a doctor though. Maybe it's something you should clarify, as you obviously have a lot of sun damage.

Volitan some good points there however you have a history of Melanoma and so the specialist would be doing very thorough checking.

The dermatologist is VERY good at deciding on the treatment and care plan of skin lesions. The patient history and concurrent medical conditions will be taken into account. It is quite acceptable to freeze lesions even superficial skin cancers. It is a first line of treatment for benign lesions like solar keratosis aka sun spots. It is an easy and inexpensive treatment with minor side effects.

Jeff your Bowen's Disease is as you said, a possible early sign of carcinoma but easily treatable. I actually had Bowen's 30 years ago and I am still here!

Always go to a dermatologist https://www.dermcoll.edu.au/for-community/find-a-dermatologist/ find one here in your area.

A very good thread and thanks for sharing your experience Jeff


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