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Fishing the long weekend in sydney


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Got a few sessions in between the rain last weekend. Fished the cooks river out of the kayak on Saturday afternoon, hoping for some bream and maybe a Jew. Chocolate water and fast current made things tricky and after many hits on the plastics that did not hook up I was finally in to some bream. Also scored a nice whiting that was a first for me in this location. Fished the fading light and an hour or so into the dark on slightly bigger gear for a Jew but no luck. All fish released.

joined the boys on the boat Sunday morning and the plan was squid, the peak...hoodies. Well the chocolate water made squidding hard, tried all across middle head for no baits. Lucky I had some squid I caught mid week plus some from the markets so after a solid effort we called it and headed to the artificial. Sounded up bait and quickly filled the tank with yakkas and slimeys. A nice run out to the peak and we drop a variety of baits. No hits! Leaving my rod in the holder I start having a jig. And of course I get a solid hit on a large squid strip that I miss as I am jigging. That was our only hit so we call it and head in to a wreck in 50 metres. 1st drop on my light jigging outfit and I'm on, Feisty kings just under legal size. Over the next 2 hours we boat over 30 kings, getting 3 legal size. Most of them @ 64cm so we had a lot of fun on 15 -20lb gear. even dropping jigs on our bream sticks just for a laugh. Had a mako around 1.5 metres take a jigged tailor on the way up but I dropped him after some solid runs.

monday morning I had a quick salmon session of the rocks with a couple  of mates. Little slow with a only few runs but I did hook up and land a nice salmon going 63cm. 

Great weekend of fishing, might have to book another weekend away for the wife.IMG_2057.PNGIMG_2051.JPG

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