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A short trip


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Gday raiders

headed out saturday to my usual spots off manly and queenscliff.... arrived on location at 730 and started drifting bonito fillets and prawns... managed two just legal snapper which was better than last weeks plague of 29.9cm specimins. Scored a couple of flathead and was enjoying a nice chilly morning until the wife called at 930 and said shed locked herself out of the house..... $200 bucks for a sunday locksmith wasnt an option so back i went with an early finish. Still managed a few which was good fun. 

The flathead are starting to thin out and there is a noticeable increase in the number of snapper on the inshore reefs.... just need them to get a bit bigger !! 

Hope everyone managed to get out this weekend

Thanks for reading 


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Nice one... and well done bailing out the missus...

I bet the brain was working overtime thinking of alternatives though!

...is there a spare key under the mat?

... can she climb through the bathroom window?

... If she just gets a screwdriver and jimmies the lock...

...maybe she can visit a friend for a while

... smash a window

...shoulder charge the door.

...call the SES.

DAMN!  none of those are going to work!





Edited by fragmeister
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