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Mercury Gear Lube Thickness


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Just checked my gear lube and its black as night and quite thick.  Is this normal or should it have a viscosity more like engine oil?

I don't know the full history of the engine but its 10 years old and only done 250 hours so I am guessing it probably hasn't been changed.

Also just wondering if I should give it a flush of sorts or if just changing it once will suffice.




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35 minutes ago, rickmarlin62 said:

drain it overnight  then fill next day..shouldn't need flush..run it a few times then change again...best way  you don't want to flush with cleaning agent as if it retains any it will ruin new oil..rick

Sorry yeah thats what I meant about "a flush of sorts".  Ill drain/refill.  Then take it out for a spin, bring it back and drain/refill again for the sake of an extra 20 bucks.

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You were right I left it drain for a cpl hours. Was still coming out ever so slightly.  

Barely any shavings in their however I only got about 500mls out. Says it should hold 710mls. Put back in close to 700. 

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17 hours ago, cfish said:

Gear oil is twice as thick as engine, as long as it's not cream coloured which indicates water I wouldn't waste time or money flushing, go fishing instead.  

The stuff coming out was 10 times thicker than the stuff going back in.  Easy job, took 5 mins and 20 bucks hardly breaks the bank.  Fishing in 20 knot winds sucks up here so may as well do some maintenance. :D

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