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9 mile Slow Jig Session (First Timer) 29.09.17


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After scouring the internet for hours on tips for slow jigging, I finally hit the tackle store and picked myself up a jigging outfit. Daiwa Saltiga Lever Drag on a Shimano 180g weighted rod.
Headed out with fellow raider @mshuangchao 6am through a very calm harbour and out to 9 mile reef. 

Sounded round for a while and marked some fish around 95m so engaged the spotlock and down went our jigs. First drop and Chao is on to what looked like a barracouta which was confirmed when the line was snipped and goodbyes were said to his shiny jig.

After a few quick lessons on the technicque Chao's rod buckles as the jig is fluttering back down and after a solid fight he lands his first King of the day!



After about 15 minutes went quiet so we sounded around until we found another patch. Shortly after I was finally onto my first fish on micro jigs. A bit disappointed with the lack of fight, I was suprised when I pulled up my first ever John Dory 

An hour later and we had another King and 2 more JD's. Wind picked up so we called it a day...Not bad for a first timer in this field and in under two hours. @mshuangchao is one highly skilled micro jigger and a great teacher!






Edited by ebenos
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Nice fish boys well done. Good to see Chao on the scene again. I love my deep jigging offshore and got into land based shore jigging at the end of last summer after reading many of Chao’s reports. I always though of micro jigging as using small jigs such as the 15-30 g I use off the stones. The jigs in the pics look 130g +. Is this still micro jigging or just plain old jigging? Not an issue just wondering. Or maybe you are using super light jigging outfits on light line class. Keep up the good work 

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