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One of those days - a few whiting made up for it


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Headed out early up from Lilli Pilli, to a spot where I pulled out a few fish 2 weeks ago. Well, someone must have told the fish to disappear, as they were not about today.

Only 1 decent fish, that put up a performance for a while, coming up under the boat as it was giving up, then gone. The ganged hooks gone, no fray marks on the mono but a clean cut angled across the line. Felt like a legal sized jew, just a bit strange with the cut to the line.

Apart from 2 rat sized kingies swimming up after hooked little reddies, nothing else. Live yakkas not touched. Just a dud day.

The tide hit bottom, so I pumped a few nippers and drifted about for a legal whiting, a little sand flattie, and nothing else. A few whiting to be seen, but if you can see the whiting, they can see you and will not bite.

Headed to Maianbar flats, pumped a few more nippers and found a few whiting, and a just legal bream that was sent back to grow bigger. Water less then knee deep. A few thrown backs amongst them, but some keepers as well. A long day but something to take home. Do not like going home with no fish. :D


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