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Burleying in deep water


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How do you burley for reefies in deep water for best effect positioning your burley container out of the way in 40_60m of water? What tactics do you employ and how heavy is the container to make sure it goe s straight down and is away from your lines at the bottom? Would tieing the container to the anchor rope work with a 10m cord to ensure the pot is just under the boat work?

Thanks Mil,

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Get a coil burley bomb. Looks like a car suspension spring. They are called a wobble pot. The action brings them close to the boat and spreads the burley out. Your lures or baits will always be further out and wont tangle. Putting burley on the anchor only works when your boat is in line with anchor warp which is not often when deep. 

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I make wire baskets about the same size as the car spring method only mine work out lighter ( even though I mix a little concrete in the bottom).

I use a downrigger to get it down to the bottom. Even though it tends to drift back in the current on the drop, it always seems to pull up straight under the boat after a few mins.

Downside is that sharks often get hold of the whole thing. Will try and do a photo tomorrow of them, one even has a GoPro mount.

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