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Norah Head Landbased


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G'Day Raiders,

Heading to Norah Head staying in the caravan park this weekend, anyone got any local intel on where to fish? I'll be land based and spinning lures off the rocks (maybe put some liveys out) and going for a session off the beach for jew and the other usual suspects at night. Looking for spots within walking distance of the van park so the entrance could be a bit of a stretch. "Jewfish Point" looks appealing but what's in a name hey? Can you get squid around the boat ramp?

Any info would be much appreciated. Feel free to PM if you want to keep it quiet.



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you can get squid in the bay near the boat ramp..the rocks out front of lighthouse look great but disappoint with barren bottom and not much fish..if swell drops you may spin up some bonnies salmon tailor along rock ledges that face north down from lighthouse..occasionaly blackfish and drummer also if cabbage is growing along edge...rick

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