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Whitsunday Tips?


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Good evening Raiders :)

Thought I'd ask in here for any tips, advice, etc on fishing the Whitsundays? Taking the Mrs up to Airlie Beach in mid-March for a short getaway. Gonna be hiring a lovely tinnie for a full day. We haven't any experience at all boat fishing (except for her when she was around 8 years old) so any advice would be great!

TIA :)

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I took my little formula 15 up there and Unfortunatly had very windy weather the whole trip so had to shelter the lee side of the islands. There were lots of good sized fish simply at the boat ramp you could virtually hand feed. If hiring just a small tiny I wouldn't be heading out to far, there's a reef very close that the charters often use, details of fishing areas can be found in the Fish Finder magazine which is worth buying for locations around all of Aus. If you can't get hold of one I can pm you some better details.


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