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Chappy's Therapy

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The other day my new fishing buddy eg over the road is 70. We went to Lake Eppolock near Bendigo Victoria. We arrive to find many wake boats and just as many jetskis making the water look like a washing machine. We managed to put the Quintrex in and move towards our fishing spot. I don't know if my boat Chappy's Therapy was like a magnet or they needed some help anyways we were in the middle what seemed like a race or freestyle. My boat was moving around but stable but fishing was a no go. We put up with for a while then went to other spots and still they came there. We set sail for the boat ramp and arrived all good, I went to get the car and backed it down while Graeme was holding on. the same boats and jet skis were making his job really hard. two young men noticed and came to help but the wash was so big my brand new Quintrex was now banging on the trailer. It took all there strength to hold on. I asked then to push it backwards and we manage to guide it on and still they were doing circle work. I was quite disappointed to that common courtesy was all that common. Graeme did a fantastic job to hold on before help arrived. Chappy

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Not a fan of Jetskiers. I always cringe when I see them in the water. 

Is it that good people become W*****s when they get one or do only W*****s buy and use them.  

They are consistently the most detretious of all water sports participants. 



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Guest Guest123456789

Another reason to fish dawn and dusk. D head jet skiers wake up late and go to bed early. Try and avoid them Chappy as recurve said they’re all wankers.

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Don't worry mate. I was fishing on a very peaceful early morning on the Tweed with my son & had a rower smack straight into the back of my boat. He then abused me for being in his way! Luckily I had my boy on board, as I didn't want to set a bad example.

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That's ok short but not my mo. we took out turn and kept close to the bank. they were going around other fishing boats as well. I did not feel that I was a target they were just doing what they do and probably had no idea. being on the water is a great thing but being human remains. were not quite right. We had a great time and they were looking like they were having fun they just need to keep safe distances and be aware of how there actions effect others. 

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1 hour ago, Chappy's Therapy said:

It was difficult, I wanted to give them a piece of my mind but do it in a way that maintains who I am. but if I did, what then. it was a huge lake with plenty of room but still they came close enough to unnerve me


Yeah that's bad specially if yas couldn't even fish properly & retrieve the boat must of been bad could only imagine ... 

Edited by Omally
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